@guidaautonoma 2 years ago
Tech: #SelfDrivingCars hype and reality check https://www.theedgemarkets.com/article/tech-selfdriving-cars-hype-and-reality-check #AI #IoT #5G #AVs #AutonomousVehicles #autonomous #Robot #startup #startups #SmartCity #robotaxi #DataScience #BigData #Travel #tech #technology #mobility #MachineLearning #delivery #Transportation #Transport https://t.co/zYe6iFFC3z
@guidaautonoma 2 years ago
This is why you can’t ride hail an #autonomous taxi in Europe… yet https://thenextweb.com/news/this-is-the-status-of-robotaxi-and-roboshuttles-in-europe #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #AVs #AutonomousVehicles #autonomousdriving #Robot #startup #startups #SmartCity #robotaxi #DataScience #BigData #Travel #technology #mobility #Transport https://t.co/vtgJKnYh8G
@guidaautonoma 2 years ago
#Autonomous cars: will we be driven to distraction? https://eandt.theiet.org/content/articles/2022/11/autonomous-cars-will-we-be-driven-to-distraction/ #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #AVs #AutonomousVehicles #Auto #Robot #startup #startups #SmartCity #robotaxi #DataScience #BigData #Travel #tech #technology #mobility #MachineLearning #delivery #transport https://t.co/yYvc3Ue5rU
@guidaautonoma 2 years ago
Goodbye Crew World: #Autonomous Cargo #ships are Coming…And Ports Better Get Ready https://www.globaltrademag.com/goodbye-crew-world-autonomous-cargo-ships-are-comingand-ports-better-get-ready/ #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #AVs #AutonomousVehicles #auto #Robot #startup #startups #SmartCity #robotaxi #BigData #tech #mobility #delivery #Transportation #Transport https://t.co/qGgR4SiasC
@guidaautonoma 2 years ago
GM’s #selfdriving car unit to offer #driverless rides in #Phoenix, #Austin this 12 months https://www.theblog101.com/94178584utm_sourcerssutm_mediumetrss/ #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #AVs #AutonomousVehicles #autonomous #Robot #startup #startups #SmartCity #robotaxi #DataScience #BigData #Travel #tech #Transport https://t.co/ChnPHSLAj5
@CryptoFreemind 2 years ago
3 technologies to transport the @beyondprotocol1 #blockchain to many use cases. #Crypto #AI #DataScience #coding #NFTCommmunity #Engineering #DataScientist #BigData #MachineLearning #Analytics #Innovation #selfdrivingcars #IoT #IIoT #smartcity #100DaysofCode #web3 #robotics https://t.co/rXJ4C4JVY4
@guidaautonoma 2 years ago
#Ford patents app to inform pedestrians when #autonomousvehicles won't stop https://driving.ca/auto-news/technology-news/ford-patents-app-to-inform-pedestrians-when-autonomous-vehicles-wont-stop #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #AVs #autonomous #Robot #startup #startups #SmartCity #robotaxi #BigData #Travel #tech #technology #MachineLearning #Mobility #delivery #transport https://t.co/rCfykCpjr7
@guidaautonoma 2 years ago
.@Easy_Mile: #Autonomous driving out in the real world https://www.investmentmonitor.ai/sectors/automotive/easymile-autonomous-driving-real-world #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #AVs #AutonomousVehicles #Robot #startup #startups #SmartCity #robotaxi #BigData #Travel #tech #technology #MachineLearning #Mobility #delivery #Transportation #transport https://t.co/bGCwN7yE8r
@guidaautonoma 2 years ago
Ola Electric set to launch #autonomous car in about 2 years https://www.siasat.com/ola-electric-set-to-launch-autonomous-car-in-about-2-years-2314424/ #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #AVs #AutonomousVehicles #Robot #startup #startups #SmartCity #robotaxi #BigData #Travel #tech #technology #MachineLearning #Mobility #delivery #Transport #Robotics https://t.co/d7RUxmQ6Z1
@guidaautonoma 2 years ago
#AI Strikes Again – #SelfDrivingCars Are Already Here https://www.bbntimes.com/technology/ai-strikes-again-self-driving-cars-are-already-here #IoT #5G #AVs #AutonomousVehicles #autonomous #Robots #startup #startups #SmartCity #robotaxi #BigData #Travel #tech #technology #MachineLearning #Mobility #delivery #Transportation #transport #Robot https://t.co/zBwrclJofp
@guidaautonoma 2 years ago
Innovations of #AutonomousVehicles: solid-state #LiDAR sensors https://equalocean.com/analysis/2022031917148 #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #autonomous #Robots #startup #startups #SmartCity #Travel #tech #technology #Transportation #Robot #MachineLearning #Mobility #delivery #BigData  #Transport https://t.co/GbtxURuFyl
@jblefevre60 3 years ago
Transport of the near future! #AI #MachineLearning #SmartCity @gigadgets_ @SpirosMargaris @Xbond49 @PawlowskiMario @mvollmer1 @gvalan @ipfconline1 @diioannid @Shi4Tech @Fisher85M @kalydeoo @Ym78200 @Nicochan33 @chboursin @3itcom @Fabriziobustama @ahier https://t.co/uiDVmsgkEF
@jblefevre60 3 years ago
Projecting the transport of the future in the smartcity era! #AI #MachineLearning #CES2022 #SmartCity @InTheKnow @SpirosMargaris @MargaretSiegien @PawlowskiMario @mvollmer1 @gvalan @Shi4Tech @diioannid @LaurentAlaus @geralddefoing @sallyeaves @kalydeoo https://t.co/Po10OMRK5n
@jblefevre60 3 years ago
The future of transport! #AI #MachineLearning #SmartCity #CES2022 @SpirosMargaris @MargaretSiegien @PawlowskiMario @mvollmer1 @gvalan @ipfconline1 @diioannid @Shi4Tech @Fisher85M @kalydeoo @Ym78200 @Nicochan33 @chboursin @rwang0 @3itcom @pierrecappelli @Xbond49 @HITpol @ahier https://t.co/dnoOUBxeEs
@guidaautonoma 3 years ago
.@Waymo ’s #selfdriving car is being tested in #Atlanta https://www.omanobserver.om/article/63725/Business/waymos-self-driving-car-is-being-tested-in-atlanta #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #AutonomousVehicles #autonomous #Robotics #driverless #driverlesscars #startups #startup #Robot #SmartCity #Travel #tech #Robots #mobility #Transport #delivery #BigData https://t.co/8iSnEOz1lH
@guidaautonoma 3 years ago
HART, PSTA expand and extend AV pilots https://www.masstransitmag.com/alt-mobility/autonomous-vehicles/article/21211776/hart-psta-expand-and-extend-av-pilots #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #AutonomousVehicles #selfdriving #autonomous #Robotics #driverless #driverlesscars #startups #startup #Robot #MachineLearning #BigData #SmartCity #Travel #tech #mobility #Transport https://t.co/yapModyrsR
@guidaautonoma 4 years ago
#AutonomousVehicles: there's nobody driving this 284 ton truck! #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #selfdriving #autonomous #Robotics #driverless #driverlesscars #startups #startup #Robot #MachineLearning #Travel #BigData #tech #Robots #mobility #transport #SmartCity #delivery https://t.co/jFc60HlhWQ
@HaroldSinnott 4 years ago
Soap Bubble inspired Pod for Mass Transport ▶️ #Analytics #MachineLearning #AI #Python #Rstats #Linux #flutter #Serverless #javascript #BigData #ML #Programming #IoT #CES2021 #FutureofWork #CloudComputing #SmartCity #5G #DEVCommunity #100DaysOfCode http://bit.ly/38GWEvk https://t.co/s1qM3ppWvn
@Analytics_699 4 years ago
Soap Bubble inspired Pod for Mass Transport ▶️ #Analytics #MachineLearning #AI #Python #Rstats #Linux #flutter #Serverless #javascript #BigData #ML #Programming #Fintech #IoT #IIoT #CloudComputing #SmartCity #SelfDrivingCars #DEVCommunity #100DaysOfCode https://bit.ly/38GWEvk https://t.co/LhnuvlWxkP
@jblefevre60 4 years ago
Public transport of the future! #AI #MachineLearning #Robotics #SmartCity ️technologytrending @SpirosMargaris @HaroldSinnott @gvalan @ipfconline1 @ShiCooks @diioannid @mvollmer1 @Ym78200 @kalydeoo @Nicochan33 @chboursin @Fabriziobustama @3itcom @lesguer_lionel @PawlowskiMario https://t.co/lB1rrPLPYx
@NancyTr83158469 4 years ago
Autonomous Shuttle via Bosch| future of mass transport #Analytics #MachineLearning #AI #IoT #IIoT #BigData #DataScience #Linux #flutter #Coding #DEVCommunity #Femtech #SelfDrivingCars #SmartCity #EV #AutonomousVehicle #FinTech #100DaysOfCode https://t.co/dfnjhNwaTZ https://twitter.com/Analytics_699/status/1330104312433938434
@Analytics_699 4 years ago
Autonomous Shuttle via Bosch| future of mass transport▶️ #Analytics #MachineLearning #AI #IoT #IIoT #BigData #DataScience #Linux #Serverless #flutter #Coding #DEVCommunity #SelfDrivingCars #SmartCity #EV #AutonomousVehicle #FinTech #100DaysOfCode https://t.co/VfoEHjgyO3
@guidaautonoma 4 years ago
#Startups spurring innovation in connected car #technology https://medium.com/@sriya.mnne/startups-spurring-innovation-in-connected-car-technology-b3c3253e964e #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #AutonomousVehicles #selfdriving #autonomous #Robotics #driverless #driverlesscars #startups #SmartCity #startup #Robot #MachineLearning #Mobility #transport #tech https://t.co/HI0XZ2KYIw
@guidaautonoma 4 years ago
#Driverless shuttle launches in downtown #Tampa https://www.tampabay.com/news/transportation/2020/10/09/driverless-shuttle-launches-in-downtown-tampa/?outputType=amp #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #AutonomousVehicles #selfdriving #autonomous #Robotics #tech #driverlesscars #startups #SmartCity #startup #Robot #MachineLearning #Mobility #transport #delivery #Robots https://t.co/BdafPgvDuo
@guidaautonoma 4 years ago
Is #ArtificialIntelligence dumbing us down? https://gulfnews.com/amp/opinion/op-eds/is-artificial-intelligence-dumbing-us-down-1.74134071 #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #AutonomousVehicles #selfdriving #autonomous #Robotics #driverless #driverlesscars #startups #SmartCity #startup #Robot #MachineLearning #Mobility #transport #delivery #Robots https://t.co/EHyAtGAVY9
@guidaautonoma 4 years ago
#ElonMusk ’s Tunnel Under #LasVegas for #SelfDrivingCars Is Almost Complete https://observer.com/2020/09/elon-musk-boring-company-tunnel-las-vegas-near-completion/ #AI #IoT #5G #AutonomousVehicles #selfdriving #autonomous #Robotics #driverless #driverlesscars #startups #SmartCity #startup #Robot #MachineLearning #Mobility #transport
@guidaautonoma 4 years ago
What to expect from # on 'battery day' https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/20/what-to-expect-from-tesla-on-battery-day-.html #electricvehicles #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #AutonomousVehicles #selfdriving #autonomous #Robotics #driverless #driverlesscars #startups #SmartCity #startup #Robot #MachineLearning #Mobility #transport #delivery
@jblefevre60 4 years ago
Projecting the transport of the future in the smartcity era! #AI #MachineLearning #Robotics #SmartCity @InTheKnow @SpirosMargaris @HaroldSinnott @gvalan @ipfconline1 @ShiCooks @mvollmer1 @Ym78200 @kalydeoo @Fabriziobustama @Nicochan33 @helene_wpli @ahier https://t.co/Po10OMRK5n
@guidaautonoma 4 years ago
New perception metric tests how #selfdrivingcars adapt to changing conditions https://www.therobotreport.com/perception-metric-tests-self-driving-cars-adapt/ #AI #IoT #5G #AutonomousVehicles #selfdriving #autonomous #Robotics #driverless #driverlesscars #startups #SmartCity #startup #Robot #MachineLearning #Mobility #transport https://t.co/J253792Mtf
@guidaautonoma 4 years ago
C-V2X: Connected cars and the future of #transport https://www.techradar.com/news/c-v2x-connected-cars-and-the-future-of-transport #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #AutonomousVehicles #selfdriving #autonomous #Robotics #driverless #driverlesscars #startups #SmartCity #startup #Robot #MachineLearning #Mobility #delivery #Robots
@guidaautonoma 4 years ago
Scribit is an #autonomous writer and erase #robot https://scribit.design/ @Scribit_Design #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #AutonomousVehicles #selfdriving #autonomous #Robotics #driverless #driverlesscars #startups #SmartCity #startup #MachineLearning #Mobility #transport https://t.co/yezxWO4kma
@guidaautonoma 4 years ago
Lucid Air Will Debut DreamDrive #Lidar - Enhanced #Autonomous Driving Suite https://cleantechnica.com/2020/07/31/lucid-air-will-debut-dreamdrive-lidar-enhanced-autonomous-driving-suite/amp/ #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #AutonomousVehicles #selfdriving #Robotics #driverless #driverlesscars #startups #SmartCity #startup #Robot #MachineLearning #Mobility #transport https://t.co/ZCxjLpeYKl
@PomandaCo 4 years ago
The gyroscopic emergency transport of the future. #Smartcity #Drone #Robotics #AI #BigData #Tech #Technology #Innovation #MondayMotivation https://t.co/PW8ab8UOOO
@guidaautonoma 4 years ago
Talking Digital Future: #ArtificialIntelligence https://cointelegraph.com/news/talking-digital-future-artificial-intelligence/amp #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #AutonomousVehicles #selfdriving #autonomous #robotics #driverless #driverlesscars #startups #SmartCity #startup #Robot #transport #Mobility #Travel #delivery #MachineLearning https://t.co/BCas2W6Qts
@HaroldSinnott 5 years ago
The gyroscopic emergency transport of the future #CES2020 #Smartcity #Drone #Robotics #AI #BigData #TechForGood #Technology #FireService #Innovation via @CISGroupUK cc @MikeQuindazzi @jblefevre60 @Paula_Piccard @diioannid @Damien_CABADI @kuriharan https://t.co/cGhgKAVTsK
@HaroldSinnott 5 years ago
The gyroscopic emergency transport of the future. #Smartcity #Drone #Robotics #AI #BigData #Tech #5G #FutureOfWork #Innovation @CISGroupUK cc @MikeQuindazzi @jblefevre60 @Julez_Norton @mvollmer1 @kuriharan @JGrobicki @Fabriziobustama @techpearce2 https://t.co/cGhgKAVTsK
@Aleksan03565134 5 years ago
The gyroscopic emergency transport of the future #Robotics #AI #BigData #Tech #Smartcity #Drone #FireService #Innovation https://t.co/L9KXceesoi
@HaroldSinnott 5 years ago
The gyroscopic emergency transport of the future. #Smartcity #Drone #Robotics #AI #BigData #Tech #5G #FutureOfWork #Innovation @CISGroupUK cc @MikeQuindazzi @jblefevre60 @Julez_Norton @mvollmer1 @kuriharan @JGrobicki @Fabriziobustama @techpearce2 https://t.co/cGhgKAVTsK
@BigDataSoc 5 years ago
"Urban datafication in transport has been characterised here as consisting of the three translations of data expansionism, data experimentalism and operational consolidation" https://buff.ly/2ZgYE6K by Liam Heaphy #Transportation #realtime #information #SmartCity #BigData #Dublin
@Nathealings 5 years ago
The gyroscopic emergency transport of the future. #Smartcity #Drone #Robotics #AI #BigData #Tech #Technology #FutureOfWork #FireService #Innovation @CISGroupUK cc @MikeQuindazzi @jblefevre60 @Paula_Piccard @mvollmer1 @kuriharan @godfrey_rono @CitizenEdgar https://t.co/H9l2mbMnwf
@Nathealings 5 years ago
The gyroscopic emergency transport of the future. #Smartcity #Drone #Robotics #AI #BigData #Tech #Technology #FutureOfWork #FireService #Innovation @CISGroupUK cc @MikeQuindazzi @jblefevre60 @Paula_Piccard @mvollmer1 @kuriharan @godfrey_rono @CitizenEdgar https://t.co/H9l2mbMnwf
@Nathealings 5 years ago
The gyroscopic emergency transport of the future. #Smartcity #Drone #Robotics #AI #BigData #Tech #Technology #FutureOfWork #FireService #Innovation @CISGroupUK cc @MikeQuindazzi @jblefevre60 @Paula_Piccard @mvollmer1 @kuriharan @godfrey_rono @CitizenEdgar https://t.co/H9l2mbMnwf
@Nathealings 5 years ago
The gyroscopic emergency transport of the future. #Smartcity #Drone #Robotics #AI #BigData #Tech #Technology #FutureOfWork #FireService #Innovation @CISGroupUK cc @MikeQuindazzi @jblefevre60 @Paula_Piccard @mvollmer1 @kuriharan @godfrey_rono @CitizenEdgar https://t.co/H9l2mbMnwf
@JamesMelville 5 years ago
The gyroscopic emergency transport of the future. #Smartcity #Drone #Robotics #AI #BigData #Tech #Technology #Innovation #FridayFeeling https://t.co/GQUCh7RPqc
@Nathealings 5 years ago
The gyroscopic emergency transport of the future. #Smartcity #Drone #Robotics #AI #BigData #Tech #Technology #FutureOfWork #FireService #Innovation @CISGroupUK cc @MikeQuindazzi @jblefevre60 @Paula_Piccard @mvollmer1 @kuriharan @godfrey_rono @CitizenEdgar https://t.co/H9l2mbMnwf
@Nathealings 5 years ago
The gyroscopic emergency transport of the future. #Smartcity #Drone #Robotics #AI #BigData #Tech #Technology #FutureOfWork #FireService #Innovation @CISGroupUK cc @MikeQuindazzi @jblefevre60 @Paula_Piccard @mvollmer1 @kuriharan @godfrey_rono @CitizenEdgar https://t.co/H9l2mbMnwf
@Nathealings 5 years ago
The gyroscopic emergency transport of the future. #Smartcity #Drone #Robotics #AI #BigData #Tech #Technology #FutureOfWork #FireService #Innovation @CISGroupUK cc @MikeQuindazzi @jblefevre60 @Paula_Piccard @mvollmer1 @kuriharan @godfrey_rono @CitizenEdgar https://t.co/H9l2mbMnwf
@Nathealings 5 years ago
The gyroscopic emergency transport of the future. #Smartcity #Drone #Robotics #AI #BigData #Tech #Technology #FutureOfWork #FireService #Innovation @CISGroupUK cc @MikeQuindazzi @jblefevre60 @Paula_Piccard @mvollmer1 @kuriharan @godfrey_rono @CitizenEdgar https://t.co/H9l2mbMnwf