@AmitChampaneri1 2 years ago
Amazing #TechforGood! #Machines Can #Paint #Roads Via @Khulood_Almani#Tech #innovation #industry #business #100DaysOfCode #Bot #coding #DataScience #Bigdata #javascript #AI #Programming #IoT #TensorFlow #mobility #NFT #transport #data #robotics #robots #machinelearning #Robot https://twitter.com/khulood_almani/status/1545356971452370945
@AmitChampaneri1 2 years ago
#Future of #Mobility? Intelligent #Robot all terrain #transport via @Nicochan33#AI #Robotics #Tech #innovation #MachineLearning #Data #Robots #ArtificialIntelligence #Logistics @PawlowskiMario @PawlowskiMario @labordeolivier @baski_LA @HaroldSinnott @JeroenBartelse @FrRonconi https://twitter.com/nicochan33/status/1530102341961191425
@guidaautonoma 2 years ago
#AI Strikes Again – #SelfDrivingCars Are Already Here https://www.bbntimes.com/technology/ai-strikes-again-self-driving-cars-are-already-here #IoT #5G #AVs #AutonomousVehicles #autonomous #Robots #startup #startups #SmartCity #robotaxi #BigData #Travel #tech #technology #MachineLearning #Mobility #delivery #Transportation #transport #Robot https://t.co/zBwrclJofp
@guidaautonoma 2 years ago
Innovations of #AutonomousVehicles: solid-state #LiDAR sensors https://equalocean.com/analysis/2022031917148 #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #autonomous #Robots #startup #startups #SmartCity #Travel #tech #technology #Transportation #Robot #MachineLearning #Mobility #delivery #BigData  #Transport https://t.co/GbtxURuFyl
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
This robotic gripper can lift delicate objects without breaking them
@Grepnetics 3 years ago
How AI and IoT are Transforming Transport Management https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/375415 #MachineLearning #DataScience #5G #100DaysOfCode #Python #Cybersecurity #BigData #AI #IoT #DeepLearning #ArtificialIntelligence #NLP #robots #Industry40 #Tech https://t.co/DTmbz7muoI
@Paula_Piccard 3 years ago
How AI and IoT are Transforming Transport Management https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/375415 #MachineLearning #DataScience #5G #100DaysOfCode #Python #Cybersecurity #BigData #AI #IoT #DeepLearning #ArtificialIntelligence #NLP #robots #Industry40 #Tech https://t.co/ng2kM0BvmL
@guidaautonoma 3 years ago
.@Waymo ’s #selfdriving car is being tested in #Atlanta https://www.omanobserver.om/article/63725/Business/waymos-self-driving-car-is-being-tested-in-atlanta #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #AutonomousVehicles #autonomous #Robotics #driverless #driverlesscars #startups #startup #Robot #SmartCity #Travel #tech #Robots #mobility #Transport #delivery #BigData https://t.co/8iSnEOz1lH
@venturebeat.com 3 years ago
Reinforcement learning competition pushes the boundaries of embodied AI
@guidaautonoma 4 years ago
#AutonomousVehicles: there's nobody driving this 284 ton truck! #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #selfdriving #autonomous #Robotics #driverless #driverlesscars #startups #startup #Robot #MachineLearning #Travel #BigData #tech #Robots #mobility #transport #SmartCity #delivery https://t.co/jFc60HlhWQ
@slashgear.com 4 years ago
Northwestern University soft robot moves without hardware or electricity
@AmitChampaneri1 4 years ago
#Future of #Mobility?! A flying #gondola - amazing concept & #innovation via @mashable @Nicochan33#Robotics #Transport #Robots #Tech #MachineLearning #Engineering @CurieuxExplorer @baski_LA @labordeolivier @JeroenBartelse @MargaretSiegien @FrRonconi @ingliguori @abhishek__AI https://twitter.com/nicochan33/status/1334411818312282112
@guidaautonoma 4 years ago
#NeuralNetworks give glimpse of the future to #autonomous cars https://www.imeche.org/news/news-article/neural-networks-give-glimpse-of-the-future-to-autonomous-cars #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #AutonomousVehicles #selfdriving #Robotics #driverless #driverlesscars #startups #startup #Robot #MachineLearning #Travel #BigData #Robots #mobility #transport https://t.co/SkgO2hnjBd
@guidaautonoma 4 years ago
What's Going On with #Autonomous #Trucking? https://www.caranddriver.com/features/a34671747/20-questions-autonomous-trucking/ #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #AutonomousVehicles #selfdriving #autonomous #Robotics #driverless #driverlesscars #startups #startup #Robot #MachineLearning #Travel #BigData #tech #Robots #transport #delivery https://t.co/tUyfWccHzj
@guidaautonoma 4 years ago
#Driverless shuttle launches in downtown #Tampa https://www.tampabay.com/news/transportation/2020/10/09/driverless-shuttle-launches-in-downtown-tampa/?outputType=amp #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #AutonomousVehicles #selfdriving #autonomous #Robotics #tech #driverlesscars #startups #SmartCity #startup #Robot #MachineLearning #Mobility #transport #delivery #Robots https://t.co/BdafPgvDuo
@guidaautonoma 4 years ago
Is #ArtificialIntelligence dumbing us down? https://gulfnews.com/amp/opinion/op-eds/is-artificial-intelligence-dumbing-us-down-1.74134071 #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #AutonomousVehicles #selfdriving #autonomous #Robotics #driverless #driverlesscars #startups #SmartCity #startup #Robot #MachineLearning #Mobility #transport #delivery #Robots https://t.co/EHyAtGAVY9
@guidaautonoma 4 years ago
C-V2X: Connected cars and the future of #transport https://www.techradar.com/news/c-v2x-connected-cars-and-the-future-of-transport #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #AutonomousVehicles #selfdriving #autonomous #Robotics #driverless #driverlesscars #startups #SmartCity #startup #Robot #MachineLearning #Mobility #delivery #Robots
@IainLJBrown 4 years ago
Dubai's RTA uses AI to map bus routes according to usage - Intelligent Transport Read more here: https://ift.tt/2Fc11TU #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #DataScience #MachineLearning #BigData #DeepLearning #NLP #Robots #IoT
@bgr.com 4 years ago
NASA needs your help to build a Moon digging robot
@PinakiLaskar 5 years ago
How Sensors Is Paving the Way for Autonomous Cars https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-sensors-paving-way-autonomous-cars-pinaki-laskar #SelfDrivingCars #AI #IoT #5G #AutonomousVehicles #selfdriving #autonomous #robotics #tech #sensors #ArtificialIntelligence #Robots #transport #machinelearning #deeplearning #computervision #algorithms
@engadget.com 5 years ago
Toyota’s e-Palette will transport athletes during the 2020 Olympics
@guidaautonoma 5 years ago
Is #Lidar Necessary For #SelfDrivingCars? Audi Seems To Think So https://www.forbes.com/sites/lianeyvkoff/2019/04/17/is-lidar-necessary-for-self-driving-cars-audi-seems-to-think-so/ #autonomous #SmartCity #AI #IoT #Robotics #tech #5G #driverless #selfdriving #startup #technology #DriverlessCars #Robots #startups #AutonomousVehicles #transport #MachineLearning #mobility
@guidaautonoma 5 years ago
How will we get around in 2050? https://www.bbc.com/news/av/business-47628920/future-transport-how-will-we-get-around-in-2050 #ElectricCar #autonomous #SmartCity #AI #IoT #Robotics #tech #5G #driverless #selfdriving #SelfDrivingCars #startup #technology #DriverlessCars #Robots #startups #AutonomousVehicles #transport #MachineLearning #robot #cars https://t.co/7rY0ixjda1
@ingliguori 6 years ago
✔ Smart Transport System By @techmenttech [#infographic] @IOT_Recruiting @enricomolinari @antgrasso @vg_fco @akwyz @alvinfoo @alison_iot @IIoT_World @FrRonconi @Cloud_Series #IoT #AutonomousVehicles #Robots #3Dprinting #AR #VR #Blockchain #Cloud #Bigdata #drones #supplychain https://t.co/Jmdcx4fxHl
@IainLJBrown 6 years ago
Journeys in big data and AI across the transport networks of London & Paris Read more here: https://ift.tt/2E6bvDc #BigData #DataScience #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #NLP #Robots #AI #IoT
@MikeQuindazzi 6 years ago
#IIoT is fueling industrial mobility... from #mobile and #autonomous #robots on factory floors, to #AutonomousVehicles, #SelfDrivingCars, trucking, #drones, rail and marine transport >> #PwC via @MikeQuindazzi >> #Industry40 #IoT #AI #BigData https://t.co/3MLlauXR2W
@engadget.com 6 years ago
Walmart tests automated system to help fill online grocery orders
@IainLJBrown 6 years ago
Private- and public-sector big data transport policies explored in new report Read more here: https://ift.tt/2A92reP #BigData #DataScience #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #NLP #Robots #AI #IoT
@IainLJBrown 6 years ago
A new report throws light on Big Data policies in transport Read more here: https://ift.tt/2NZk43V #BigData #DataScience #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #NLP #Robots #AI #IoT
@VladoBotsvadze 6 years ago
#AI has the potential to create value across sectors. #retail #transport #logistics #supplychain #automotive #banking #fintech #aviation #oil #gas #analytics #AI #fintech #IoT #robots #datascience #blockchain #bigdata #machinelearning #deeplearning #insurtech #chatbots #VR https://t.co/fvxnHCJ92w
@Orcanintell 6 years ago
This #drone can transform into a car. Transport of the #future! #video #tech #technology #IoT #Data #DataScience #drones #BI #businessintelligence #bigdata #DataAnalytics #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Robots #robotics #Robot #Automation #ML #MachineLearning #Success #Digital https://t.co/hxryyqTIx8
@PBalakrishnaRao 6 years ago
#Future of #Transporation: Here's something straight out of Star Wars #tech #news #technology #IoT #flying #drones #AI #bigdata #ML #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DL #Robots #spdc #transport #travel #lp #seo #mpgvip #ttot #innovation #futureofwork #SmartCity #RT https://t.co/ALxyoXr2i8
@Orcanintell 6 years ago
This #drone can transform into a car. Transport of the #future! #video #tech #technology #IoT #Data #DataScience #drones #BI #businessintelligence #bigdata #DataAnalytics #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Robots #robotics #Robot #Automation #ML #MachineLearning #Success #Digital https://t.co/bRufe3lq4g
@minisharma018 6 years ago
Presenting the #Future of #Transportation: Ever imagined a Car that transforms into a drone. #cars #drone #tech #news #technology #IoT #drones #bigdata #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #MachineLearning #Robots #transport #futureofwork #innovation #SmartCity https://t.co/B2iAHUOqZz
@PBalakrishnaRao 6 years ago
#Future of #Transportation: A Car that transforms into a drone. #cars #drone #tech #news #technology #IoT #drones #bigdata #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #MachineLearning #DL #Robots #spdc #transport #travel #lp #seo #mpgvip #ttot #futureofwork #innovation #SmartCity #RT https://t.co/wSeLKPiD3i
@Orcanintell 6 years ago
This #drone can transform into a car. Transport of the #future! #video #tech #technology #IoT #Data #DataScience #drones #BI #businessintelligence #bigdata #DataAnalytics #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Robots #robotics #Robot #Automation #ML #MachineLearning #Success #Digital https://t.co/33obLUes5q
@2morrowknight 7 years ago
Curious about how people 100 years ago thought '2018 technology' would be? Interesting look at the tech predictions from 10 decades ago. https://t.co/VNxAiDYkp9 #IoT #AI #DL #DX #MachineLearning #transport #Transportation #tech #CES #robots #Robotics #3Dprinting
@PetiotEric 7 years ago
[#SmartCity]Smart Solutions for #SmartCities#infographic#IoT #Robots #BigData #AI #AR #VR #cybersecurity #Transport #Health https://t.co/Yv0OGpmIz7
@venturebeat.com 7 years ago
Yale and Oxford researchers find 50% chance AI will outperform humans by 2062
@mashable.com 7 years ago
It takes 30 seconds for this BMW to morph into a real-life Transformer
@venturebeat.com 7 years ago
5 freaky humanoids in London Science Museum’s new Robots exhibition
@techcrunch.com 8 years ago
Bat Bot is the biomimetic flying soft robot we deserve
@mashable.com 9 years ago
Virtual reality, smart tech and drones are coming to your local toy store