@robinlovelace 1 year ago
Heads-up #DataScience people + friends If you want to make transport planning more data-driven and effective: new jobs @activetraveleng incoming, likely next week. Please pass on this opportunity to use #rstats #Python #Data skills to inform policy https://t.co/lA9OQIP9CI
@DrMalcolmMorgan 1 year ago
A new year and a new version of #OpenTripPlanner for #RStats is ready for CRAN. v0.5 includes: ✅ Faster routing (~ 3x faster) ✅ Reduced CPU and memory use ✅ Improved support for OTP 2.2 Try it early at: https://docs.ropensci.org/opentripplanner/index.html #rspatial #Transport #DataScience https://t.co/FhElInEFhz