@Grepnetics 2 years ago
How AI and IoT are Transforming Transport Management https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/375415 #MachineLearning #DataScience #5G #100DaysOfCode #Python #Cybersecurity #BigData #AI #IoT #DeepLearning #ArtificialIntelligence #NLP #robots #Industry40 #Tech https://t.co/DTmbz7muoI
@Paula_Piccard 2 years ago
How AI and IoT are Transforming Transport Management https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/375415 #MachineLearning #DataScience #5G #100DaysOfCode #Python #Cybersecurity #BigData #AI #IoT #DeepLearning #ArtificialIntelligence #NLP #robots #Industry40 #Tech https://t.co/ng2kM0BvmL
@cloudpreacher 3 years ago
Blockchain as an effective #technology for #decentralized distributed storage and #Security management has already demonstrated great advantages! #blockchain can be expanded for use in transport networks, especialy considering distributed & secure storage of #bigdata MT@Block385 https://t.co/7GCKFNNaj9
@findbrok_en 8 years ago
#IoT plus #bigdata #analytics translate into better services management at Auckland Transport http://www.it-director.com/enterprise/technology/content/iot-plus-big-data-analytics-translate-into-better-services-management-at-auckland-transport/?ref=fd_google