@thenextweb.com 1 year ago
Einride brings its futuristic electric self-driving trucks to the UAE
@thenextweb.com 1 year ago
UK pumps cold cash into green freight with new £7M tech fund
@thenextweb.com 2 years ago
Berlin sticks it to Russia by offering a €9 monthly public transport ticket
@thenextweb.com 3 years ago
Transport authorities are toothless against idiot Tesla owners
@thenextweb.com 3 years ago
UK government implies current EV grant will be culled
@thenextweb.com 3 years ago
UK to use existing NHS app as vaccine passport for travel overseas
@thenextweb.com 4 years ago
Why the UK’s decarbonization plan is good, but not great
@thenextweb.com 4 years ago
The UK is betting on drones to transport medical supplies and help tackle the pandemic
@thenextweb.com 4 years ago
UK takes next step toward world of e-scooters, self-driving cars, and autonomous drones
@thenextweb.com 4 years ago
Electric planes are here — but they won’t reduce CO₂ emissions
@thenextweb.com 7 years ago
Elon Musk is convinced we need to become machines or risk being replaced by them
@thenextweb.com 7 years ago
US government bans Samsung Galaxy Note 7 on all flights
@thenextweb.com 8 years ago
India wants Uber and Ola to train women drivers
@thenextweb.com 8 years ago
The government has decided its boring old font for highway signs is good enough
@thenextweb.com 8 years ago
Obama’s $4bn blueprint paves the way for driverless cars nationwide
@thenextweb.com 8 years ago
The US government will soon force you to register your drones and it could be a mess
@thenextweb.com 9 years ago
Japan’s new railway cameras can detect drunk passengers to help save lives
@thenextweb.com 9 years ago
Delhi rejects Uber’s license application after its month-long ban last year
@thenextweb.com 9 years ago
UberX cabs suspended in Seoul
@thenextweb.com 9 years ago
Fleet of 40 ‘driverless pods’ to hit the UK’s footpaths later this year
@thenextweb.com 9 years ago
All unrecognized online taxi services banned in New Delhi following Uber rape claim