@cloudpreacher 2 years ago
#Edgecomputing & #IoT together can reduce #WAN transport costs, prevent the quality of service issues, and enable immediate #data processing and #analysis. Here 5 basics you need to know. https://bit.ly/3EWV33M Source @TechTarget via @antgrasso #AI #DX #BigData #100DaysofCode https://t.co/eneVUKAMLN
@cloudpreacher 3 years ago
Blockchain as an effective #technology for #decentralized distributed storage and #Security management has already demonstrated great advantages! #blockchain can be expanded for use in transport networks, especialy considering distributed & secure storage of #bigdata MT@Block385 https://t.co/7GCKFNNaj9
@cloudpreacher 5 years ago
[#infographic] Interesting Guide to #AI & #MachineLearning Use Cases Healthcare Finance insurance Marketing Transport Industry Security #DeepLearning #BigData #Fintech #Insurtech #Datascience #ML #DL #Robotics #HealthTech #Iot MT @DeepLearn007 via @cloudpreacher https://t.co/gCKAgxBhwa
@Ronald_vanLoon 5 years ago
Interesting Guide to #AI & #MachineLearning Use Cases [INFOGRAPHICS] by @MereteBuljo | #DeepLearning #BigData #Fintech #Insurtech #Datascience #ML #DL #Robotics #HealthTech #Iot #Healthcare #Finance #Insurance #Marketing #Transport #Industry #RT Cc: @cloudpreacher https://t.co/PwgsLr3ncV
@MereteBuljo 5 years ago
[#infographic] Interesting Guide to #AI & #MachineLearning Use Cases Healthcare Finance insurance Marketing Transport Industry Security #DeepLearning #BigData #Fintech #Insurtech #Datascience #ML #DL #Robotics #HealthTech #Iot via @cloudpreacher https://t.co/AmKEbMDGSg
@chboursin 6 years ago
🆕 Elon Musk has a new plan to transport pedestrians v/ @mashable #tech #bigdata #IoT #AI #AutonomousVehicles @jblefevre60 @SpirosMargaris @evankirstel @Fisher85M @MikeQuindazzi @JacBurns_Comext @TheMrFave @cloudpreacher @BourseetTrading @jerome_joffre @helene_wpli @andi_staub https://t.co/w4Bs99ho0D
@chboursin 6 years ago
Ehang's flight test of its autonomous flying taxi looks impressive! v/ @futurism #logistics #transport #bigdata #tech #iot cc @jblefevre60 @IoTRecruiting @MikeQuindazzi @SpirosMargaris @Fisher85M @GlenGilmore @helene_wpli @ahier @mallys_ @evankirstel @JimMarous @cloudpreacher https://t.co/T4b3bZAZej
@chboursin 6 years ago
🆕 Ehang's flight test of its autonomous flying taxi looks impressive! v/ @futurism #logistics #transport #bigdata #tech #iot cc @jblefevre60 @IoTRecruiting @MikeQuindazzi @SpirosMargaris @Fisher85M @GlenGilmore @helene_wpli @ahier @mallys_ @evankirstel @JimMarous @cloudpreacher https://t.co/nFcDGzeV6M
@cloudpreacher 7 years ago
Cities are struggling to solve their transport problems. #Bigdata is the answer! https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/05/harvesting-big-data-could-tackle-cities-everyday-transport-problems #Smartcities #Smartdata #IoT #AI https://t.co/PQaj4yXXav