@robinlovelace 1 year ago
New @ITSLeeds seminar by @rosamfelix who is visiting from @u_shift 🇵🇹 now available online For anyone interested in sustainable transport planning, open data, geographic #DataScience methods, and transport modelling, this is for you! https://youtu.be/2piUF3S7AWo
@robinlovelace 2 years ago
Want to get started with reproducible #DataScience for sustainable transport research/advocacy/policy analysis? This minimal 'how to' guide on downloading and visualising open access data on movements and infrastructure can get you started: https://github.com/robinlovelace/sheffield_cycle_data #RStats https://t.co/trN0ASMF4X
@figure8labs 8 years ago
big data from mobile phones, Sustainable urban transport planning #bigdata #DataScience https://twitter.com/Emaasit/status/751193284081442816