@RciNext 7 years ago
Building&improving trust between users and drivers. #transport #mobility #innovation #data #analytics #iot #datascience #SmartCity
@RciNext 7 years ago
A passion for public transportation, travels and photography. #SmartCity #bigdata #iot #data #analytics #ai #ArtificialIntelligence
@RciNext 7 years ago
Transportation systems should be as open as possible #cloud #innovation #data #analytics #iot #datascience #SmartCity #bigdata #mapps
@e_Lab_ 8 years ago
Ultra fast #Optical #Data #Transport #ODT require a #Light speed #Parallel #Quantum #Processors with highest throughput. #IoT/#IoE/#BigData
@gigaom.com 9 years ago
If you’re worried about Uber and privacy, don’t forget Lyft and Sidecar
@gigaom.com 10 years ago
Uber says it loves public transport and has the data to prove it