@arthurturrell 1 year ago
Hey #datascience, #econtwitter, and #transport folks: today, we published data on the areas people can feasibly travel to using public transport starting from hundreds of thousands of points across the UK as part of analysis we did for @luhc. https://datasciencecampus.ons.gov.uk/using-open-data-to-understand-hyperlocal-differences-in-uk-public-transport-availability/ #gis
@icymi_r 2 years ago
✍️ Animating public transport networks on 3D stacked maps | Urban Demographics Rafael H. M. Pereira @urbandemog https://www.urbandemographics.org/post/animating-transport-networks-3d-maps/ #rstats #datascience https://t.co/x15IdnUrZP
@icymi_r 3 years ago
gtfs2gps • Converting public transport data from GTFS format to GPS-like records Rafael H.M. Pereira @urbandemog, Pedro R. Andrade, Joao Bazzo @joaopbazzo https://github.com/ipeaGIT/gtfs2gps #rstats #datascience https://t.co/RL71gMeqco
@dr_keithmcnulty 4 years ago
There is something quite joyful about lifting up your hex sticker covered Mac lid on public transport in London, and having people move seats to want to chat to you and discuss #rstats. #r4ds #DataScience
@EmekaOkoye 4 years ago
London is using #DataScience and #AI to achieve its transportation goals which is: 80% of journeys in London to be made by walking, cycling and public transport by 2041. #SmartCities Cc @ChifeDr @dkoa @OsahonOkoh @banksinvogue @bayoadekanmbi @chamsone @TomiDee https://twitter.com/ipfconline1/status/1229805322589671428
@ocadni 5 years ago
Our last work on the performance of urban public transport is out! What are the best performing cities? Is the public transport well distributed among people? Check it out: https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsos.190979 http://www.citychrone.org #transport #citychrone #DataScience #dataviz #maps https://t.co/M7PEwLV1qg
@IainLJBrown 6 years ago
Private- and public-sector big data transport policies explored in new report Read more here: https://ift.tt/2A92reP #BigData #DataScience #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #NLP #Robots #AI #IoT
@Ronald_vanLoon 7 years ago
Smart IoT in Transit Service: the Gateway to Improve Public Transportation | #DataScience #IoT #RT… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/815813153682395136
@RobRe62 8 years ago
Cloud #Analytics handling public transport insights: http://spr.ly/6018BUhHu #BigData #DataScience via @sapanalytics via @KirkDBorne
@datamashed 8 years ago
A visual comparison of public transport in major cities: http://ow.ly/Vuv9l #dataviz #art #innovation #transportation #datascience