@ResearchGenome 2 years ago
Review about flavonoid transport https://mdpi.com/2223-7747/11/7/963/htm #Biochemistry #Flavonoids #Bioinformatics #OpenScience #DataScience #100DaysOfCode #WomenWhoCode #BigData #serverless #Linux #Python #coding #SciComm #PhdChat #PhdLife #Rstats #Genomics #edu #WomenInScience #OpenAccess
@AmitChampaneri1 2 years ago
Amazing #TechforGood! #Machines Can #Paint #Roads Via @Khulood_Almani#Tech #innovation #industry #business #100DaysOfCode #Bot #coding #DataScience #Bigdata #javascript #AI #Programming #IoT #TensorFlow #mobility #NFT #transport #data #robotics #robots #machinelearning #Robot https://twitter.com/khulood_almani/status/1545356971452370945
@ResearchGenome 2 years ago
Review about flavonoid transport https://mdpi.com/2223-7747/11/7/963/htm #Biochemistry #Flavonoids #Bioinformatics #OpenScience #DataScience #100DaysOfCode #WomenWhoCode #BigData #serverless #Linux #Python #coding #SciComm #PhdChat #PhdLife #Rstats #Genomics #edu #WomenInScience #OpenAccess
@chidambara09 3 years ago
Returning to #Public #Transport - Connected Places Catapult https://cp.catapult.org.uk/2020/10/26/returning-to-public-transport/ #bigdata #AI #IoT #Tech #Data #USA #Linux #UK #javaScript #FinTech #dataScience #dataScientist #WomenWhoCode #Rstats #FemTech #100daysOfCode #FRENCHtech #France #digitalTransformation
@chidambara09 4 years ago
https://modernwoman.co/top-tips/how-can-the-transport-industry-become-more-gender-inclusive-after-covid-19/ HOW can The #transport #Industry become More #Gender Ty @yasanur #bigdata #AI #IOT #Tech #DATA #dataScientist #dataScience #Linux #FRENCHtech #100daysofCode #RStats #Javascript #France #USA #Defstar5 #FemTech #female #womenintech #womenWhoCode #UK
@IainLJBrown 4 years ago
Dubai's RTA uses AI to map bus routes according to usage - Intelligent Transport Read more here: https://ift.tt/2Fc11TU #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #DataScience #MachineLearning #BigData #DeepLearning #NLP #Robots #IoT