@SwissCognitive 2 years ago
The roles of #ArtificialIntelligence in #HealthCare via @CatherineAdenle cc @joana_ut @enricomolinari @shakir_za @StanfordHAI #AINews #AI #Health #HealthTech #AIHealth #Innovation #ML #Diagnosis #Medicine #MachineLearning #DataScience #Programming #DeepLearning #Technology https://t.co/2io4HBWHGY
@SwissCognitive 3 years ago
#Machinelearning can monitor and predict the progression of multiple sclerosis via @NewsMedical cc @enricomolinari #medtech #healthtech #AI #artificialintelligende #technology #medicine #ML #DL #deeplearning http://ow.ly/PIFs50EaU6g
@SwissCognitive 4 years ago
A new @Cornell research aims to coalesce #MachineLearning & #Medicine, with the goal of improving methods for disease detection and diagnosis. http://ow.ly/wOXV30qePLX @cornell_tech @WeillCornell @IUPedu @C3NL_ICL #ML #AI #CognitiveNews
@SwissCognitive 4 years ago
The device is a real biological heart whose tough muscle tissue has been replaced with a soft robotic matrix of artificial heart muscles, resembling bubble wrap. http://ow.ly/yqrd30qdznV @MIT @MassachusettsG2 #CognitiveNews #MachineLearning #AI #Robots #Heart #Cardio #Medicine
@SwissCognitive 5 years ago
“#MachineLearning is particularly good at identifying patterns, which is deeply relevant to assessing patient risk. Risk scores are useful for communicating patient state, which is valuable in making efficient care decisions.” http://ow.ly/bAfz30px9lg #Healthcare #Medicine #AI
@SwissCognitive 5 years ago
#MachineLearning is capable of identifying #insects that spread the incurable disease called #Chagas with high precision, based on ordinary digital photos. Read: http://ow.ly/nfbo30oYTmM #Medicine #Health #PublicHealth @DalithSteiger @BernardMarr @FHIOxford https://t.co/o1PP9A7qAk
@SwissCognitive 5 years ago
How will AI and machine learning change how sleep medicine providers treat their patients? #AI #Bot #Medicine #MachineLearning @adampaulcoates @DeepMindAI @LearnOpenCV @mpesce @WorldSummitAI http://ow.ly/pBmQ30oK1BM
@SwissCognitive 5 years ago
As the world's biggest healthcare organisation, the #NHS should posses an awe-inspiring repository of #data to be used for the life-saving work of identifying rare diseases and researching new treatments. #BigData #Medicine #Technology http://ow.ly/j7SM30oGJ16
@SwissCognitive 5 years ago
#Algorithm Enables Precision #Medicine to Prevent #Strokes and #HeartAttacks. “#MachineLearning derived predictive models may be particularly suited to address care gaps for treatable conditions that have traditionally been underdiagnosed.” http://ow.ly/kJvg30oAiaR
@SwissCognitive 5 years ago
AI & PTSD Study found that an #ArtificialIntelligence tool can distinguish - with 89 percent accuracy - between the voices of those with or without #PTSD. #MachineLearning #Veterans #Medicine @andyjankowski @dhinchcliffe @IBMWatson News http://ow.ly/D5Vk30ouT99
@SwissCognitive 5 years ago
This new technique could improve #MachineLearning tasks in protein design, drug testing, and other applications. #ComputerScience #Biology #Medicine #DrugDevelopment http://ow.ly/mtWx30oaNav
@SwissCognitive 5 years ago
#Healthcare sectors are increasingly adopting #ArtificialIntelligence to improve patient care and improve process efficiencies. Let's look at some specifics what currently is happening with #AI in healthcare. #BigData #MedicalDiagnosis #Medicine http://ow.ly/MlV830nYVfZ
@SwissCognitive 5 years ago
#ArtificialIntelligence #AI will inevitably converge with #medicine, yet how and where it will yield the greatest impact remains to be seen. If wielded wisely, #MachineLearning and other related forms of AI may prove to be the lifeline #HealthCare needs. http://ow.ly/1sbB30nLQRw
@SwissCognitive 5 years ago
Rather than dehumanize #medicine, #AI will give physicians the opportunity to focus on activities that “are uniquely human.” #Wearables #DeepLearning #MachineLearning #DigitalHealth #Data #BigData http://ow.ly/z7WV30nKtuC