@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @Bill_Gross: This is an incredible story about how the amazing Peter Diamandis ushered in an era of private space flight.… https://t.co/xPQ70CTWRU
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @cyberprefixer: Green Party cybersnafu: Jill Stein cyberlands in Cincinnati, instead of Columbus
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @johnlevenstein: Do you agree to let Dr. Jill Stein examine you? https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/770039317142069248
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @JoshRaby: Someone told Jill Stein that tweeting support for a dead ape would help her politically and she listened to that person
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @jonathanvswan: Why is everybody on my feed flipping out about Jill Stein? Gorilla tweet is entirely on message.
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @jbarro: Jill Stein is a cutting satire of hard left politicians https://twitter.com/drjillstein/status/769972901428748289
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @MarechalUSC: Unlike most actual journalists, @wikileaks (& @DrJillStein) don't give a fuck about ethics or collateral damage https://twitter.com/drjillstein/status/768961441697239040
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @daveweigel: Jill Stein now praising how Cuba moved to a healthy "100% organic food system" when the Soviets collapsed.
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @Yair_Rosenberg: Wow, Jill Stein's statement on Harambe is even crazier than I expected: https://t.co/b4MkqliIGo
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @BuzzFeedAndrew: Green Party's Jill Stein tied with dead gorilla Harambe and lost to 'Deez Nuts' in Texas poll http://www.chron.com/news/article/Green-Party-s-Jill-Stein-tied-with-dead-gorilla-9147853.php?cmpid=twitter-desktop
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @BuzzFeedAndrew: This is nuts, Trump is being outspent by Jill Stein on TV ads: http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/team-clinton-now-outspending-trump-ads-52-million-0-n626236 https://t.co/w05o9eMAPc
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @DanaHoule: Jill Stein & Roger Stone both cheering on Julian Assange. Perfect.
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @andrewsweiss: Creepy @DrJillStein video from Moscow gushing over Russian support for human rights, dinner w Putin, RT anniv party http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3Qhx2ON8RE&sns=tw
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @DLin71: Transcript of Jill Stein campaign event https://t.co/FDUvGK9FTD
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @PessimistsArc: Sociologist @DrJillStein says the novelty of cellphones is wearing off (2000) https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1350&dat=20000802&id=poQUAAAAIBAJ&sjid=tgMEAAAAIBAJ&pg=6504,306906 https://t.co/KvzuylJXMk
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @resnikoff: Dunno what Jill Stein thinks we learned from fascism's rise, but the Weimar Communist motto was "After Hitler, Us." http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/07/jill-steins-plan-to-stop-trump-by-electing-him.html
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @jbarro: Jill Stein, like Donald Trump, believes a bunch of nonsense about vaccines because of course she does. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/07/29/jill-stein-on-vaccines-people-have-real-questions/
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @PeterDiamandis: Drugs & Olympics? Heck, how about Genetic Engineering, AI, robotics. I want the ANYTHING GOES OLYMPICS. Read here: http://buff.ly/2a8punN
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @PessimistsArc: “Futuristic science fiction tends to be pessimistic. If you imagine a future that’s wonderful, you don’t have a story" - Michael Crichton