@EuroVCJournal 3 years ago
There’s an #AI boom in #European #Healthcare https://medium.com/clipperton/the-ai-boom-in-european-healthcare-next-rising-stars-will-be-data-centric-7bca1af89bd9 #machinelearning #ml #deeplearning #dl #ArtificialIntelligence #DeepTech #coding #DataScience #TeleMedicine #Medicine
@NEOdotLIFE 4 years ago
"The future of medicine is that the role of specialists—other than the primary care physician—is going to be diminished, because the diagnostic realm is moving toward #AI & #machinelearning. There’s just too much data & info for any individual to process." https://buff.ly/2IHi94q
@markkorey 5 years ago
“There’s a lot going on out there” - @oschabenberger on mic & off script at #SASGF ❗️Exactly❗️ #AI #MachineLearning #MedicalImaging #Data4Good cutting edge #dataviz #iot #computervision #AnalyticsInAction ... & the conference just started.