@prof_danthomas 1 year ago
This short #Python code is used for calculating the efficacy of #biologic medicines using t-tests This can be a powerful tool for comparing the effectiveness of different biologics in treating various conditions #datascience #biologics #ttests https://t.co/SSlbk4RNG6
@zevross 2 years ago
Data Explorer is the new tool we created for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Easy chart creation and statistical tests for teachers and students help improve data literacy | https://bit.ly/3AtBugf, #dataviz, #datascience, @HHMINEWS https://t.co/IYLJqCFUiw
@HarbRimah 2 years ago
We Should Test AI the Way the FDA Tests Medicines https://hbr.org/2021/06/we-should-test-ai-the-way-the-fda-tests-medicines #MachineLearning #DataScience #AI #DEVCommunity #flutter #javascript #Serverless #CyberSecurity #Digital #innovation #DeepLearning #COVID19 #data #5G #technology #healthcare #Health #MEDTECH #FDA
@Paula_Piccard 2 years ago
We Should Test AI the Way the FDA Tests Medicines https://hbr.org/2021/06/we-should-test-ai-the-way-the-fda-tests-medicines @HarvardBiz #MachineLearning #5G #DataScience #100DaysOfCode #Python #Cybersecurity #BigData #AI #IoT #DeepLearning #ArtificialIntelligence #NLP #robots #Industry40 #tech https://t.co/5XzxZ3zIlf
@KirkDBorne 3 years ago
.@DeptVetAffairs tests #AI ‘to-go’ delivery model to assist its medical centers during #pandemic — using embeddable AI modules that efficiently integrate across different systems: https://dy.si/5oTQh —— #HealthTech #BigData #DataScience #MachineLearning #DigitalTransformation https://t.co/shzIeiS0ep