@PinakiLaskar 2 years ago
Why are #machinelearning models trained to make medical decisions that perform at nearly the same level as human experts not in clinical use? https://www.linkedin.com/posts/pinakilaskar_machinelearning-algorithms-deeplearning-activity-6806429189512728576-8Dhl #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #Python #RStats #JavaScript #ReactJS #Serverless #Linux #Coding #100DaysofCode
@Beccajfish 3 years ago
I’ll repeat the important bit You. can’t. map. population. prediction. models. onto. individuals. (Note- Medicine could use a reminder if this too- I’m looking at you, prognostic factor observational study) #alevels2020 #DataScience https://twitter.com/matthewsperrin/status/1295444130164887554 https://t.co/Dn6atAcTfI
@nasmoutiphd 4 years ago
Google developed Coral: a portable neural network accelerator. It will make it possible to use models locally without the need for cloud. Sending data to the cloud is a security risk for sensitive data (eg medical records). #MachineLearning #DataScience https://www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2020/1/14/21065141/google-coral-ai-edge-computing-products-applications-cloud?fbclid=IwAR1xGpoS5u-6qqSKDTBCztUlz5Os8KbFVg3aVTdHEXM1nQmEzvkvubv5BmU
@odsc 4 years ago
MIT develops a system that lets nonspecialists use machine learning models to make predictions for medical research, sales, and more. #DataScience #MachineLearning @MIT https://hubs.ly/H0jJypg0
@odsc 4 years ago
MIT develops a system that lets nonspecialists use machine learning models to make predictions for medical research, sales, and more. #DataScience #MachineLearning @MIT https://hubs.ly/H0jJxzD0