@GSCollins 2 years ago
Some recent studies we've carried out looking at the medical literature that have applied #MachineLearning for prediction Conduct -> https://tinyurl.com/44444rx9 Reporting -> https://tinyurl.com/bdcs9rma Risk of bias -> https://tinyurl.com/ynbxh2pz #statstwitter #medtwitter #openscience https://t.co/XnYkAuIp5f
@cziscience 3 years ago
We’re excited to kick off our medical #imaging workshop + discuss large-scale imaging studies and how AI and #MachineLearning can support diagnostics. Follow this 🧵 for meeting updates
@INM7_ISN 3 years ago
Do we need to re-think #MachineLearning for (brain) medicine? Current proof-of-concept studies on retrospective, repository data may not yield a relevant practical impact @den_hed & I argue for more "doctors at the black box" for more user perspective https://www.nature.com/articles/s41380-020-00931-z https://t.co/6NJrne9tuu
@kelkalot 3 years ago
Are we sure that studies in medicine comparing human+AI vs human not only measure the Hawthorne effect? Are there studies that compare human+AI vs human vs human+fake AI? #AI #medicine #MachineLearning
@GSCollins 4 years ago
Reporting quality of studies using #MachineLearning models for medical diagnosis by @epi_afro "All studies in this review failed to use reporting guidelines, and a large proportion of them lacked adequate detail..." https://tinyurl.com/s37a59w
@engadget.com 6 years ago
Speedy AI image analysis could help doctors during surgery