@bgr.com 1 month ago
Scientists are trying to use a parasite to inject drugs directly into the brain
@bgr.com 1 year ago
Scientists made electronic skin that mimics the sense of touch
@bgr.com 1 year ago
The key to curing cancer in humans may be discovered in dogs
@bgr.com 1 year ago
This new type of antidepressant drug was found to work in just 2 hours
@bgr.com 1 year ago
Scientists found a way for people with paralysis to walk again
@bgr.com 1 year ago
Scientists found a molecule that destroys even the worst cancers in mice
@bgr.com 1 year ago
Left-handed people are more likely to be mentally ill – now we know why
@bgr.com 1 year ago
Experimental treatment with modified herpes virus cured terminal cancer
@bgr.com 1 year ago
DARPA developed a brain-zapping prosthesis that improves memory by 50%
@bgr.com 1 year ago
Scientists cured pneumonia in mice using revolutionary little robots
@slashgear.com 2 years ago
Scientists use cat bacteria to create powerful antibiotics for skin infection
@slashgear.com 2 years ago
Study finds common cancer drug reverses Alzheimer’s symptoms
@slashgear.com 2 years ago
Scientists accidentally develop powerful rheumatoid arthritis vaccine
@slashgear.com 2 years ago
Scientists gain new insight into identical twins
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
New sensor creates electricity from urine and measures glucose levels
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
Researchers aim to cure HIV with a ‘fundamentally different’ method
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
Cytokine treated mice lose fat by sweating
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
Virus samples in ancient glacier may help predict our future
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
Scientists invented a tiny gadget to alleviate bad breath paranoia
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
Traumatic brain injury computer model maps brain blood vessels
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
COVID-19 researchers utilize mathematical models and computer simulations
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
MIT microscopy technique improves deep-tissue imaging
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
Scientists develop a smartphone camera to illuminate skin bacteria
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
Scientists discover that RNA segments can be written back into DNA
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
Teams from NASA Vascular Tissue Challenge create human tissue with 3D Printing
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
Scientists believe humans have a hard limit for lifespan
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
Researchers use an algorithmic approach to understand how cancer changes histone markers
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
Salmonella vaccine one step closer to reality with research breakthrough
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
A synthetic cell that grows and divides normally was created in the lab
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
Antibacterial gel bandage created from durian husk
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
Scientists wirelessly modulate neurons using x-rays
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
Researchers grow mouse embryos outside the uterus to reveal hidden growth stages
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
New artificial vision technology could restore vision to the blind
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
Scientists have jumpstarted the brains of two people who were in a coma
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
3D printers may become standard equipment for operating rooms
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
MIT researchers discover why cancer cells get energy from fermentation
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
Researchers create a cancer-fighting “stealth bomber”
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
Biomedical parts created using new cold spray 3D printing process
@engadget.com 4 years ago
Researchers grew a mini human heart to study fetal heart development
@slashgear.com 4 years ago
Breast cancer ‘switch’ found to turn off aggressive growth and spread
@slashgear.com 4 years ago
Scientists think they may have found the “off switch” for cancer cells
@slashgear.com 4 years ago
Stanford smart toilet monitors users for signs of disease
@BojanaVukov 4 years ago
Scientists discover powerful antibiotic using #AI #artificialintelligence #ML #DL #machinelearning #deeplearning #news #tech #science #research #medicine #news https://www.bbc.com/news/health-51586010?intlink_from_url=https://www.bbc.com/news/topics/ce1qrvleleqt/artificial-intelligence&link_location=live-reporting-story
@slashgear.com 4 years ago
UConn researchers design new wireless smart-bandage to heal wounds
@slashgear.com 4 years ago
Study shows plasma ‘clock’ as potential key to aging
@slashgear.com 4 years ago
Researchers create molecular drills to destroy superbugs
@slashgear.com 5 years ago
Artificial leaves use sunlight to produce cheap medicine
@engadget.com 5 years ago
Scientists used phone accelerometer data to predict personality traits