@adriana_donati 3 years ago
S. Korean paper does not state that kids are spreading the #WuhanVirus! Report found that it was extremely rare for children to bring an infection into the home. Many so called Medical people are lying! Science Stupid! #FactsMatter #DataScience https://thefederalist.com/2020/07/22/new-york-times-hyped-korean-report-actually-shows-kids-are-not-spreading-coronavirus/
@daniel_kraft 4 years ago
An interactive data-science system called Northstar from @MIT & @BrownUniversity aims to democratize data science by making it easy for nonspecialists to use machine-learning models to make predictions for medicine & beyond http://news.mit.edu/2019/drag-drop-data-analytics-0627 #AI #ML #BigData h/t @ZGJR