@ebojacko 1 year ago
#Python can turn you into a medical doctor So I spent the day analysing data of 70000 patients from a hospital using python and jupyter notebook. Cholesterol and Weight are the 2 big diff between those with/without cardio disease #100DaysOfCode #Coding #DataScience https://t.co/xL1lW6QYUL
@medic_ode 2 years ago
The anatomy of an if statement in Python! #Python #coding #GirlsWhoCode #MedTwitter #MEDTECH #DataScience #MachineLearning #webdevelopment https://t.co/KoVOVSOoMi
@AlexCEngler 3 years ago
CMS is hiring up to 12 Data Scientists! Looking for the modern toolkit: R & Python for #datascience #dataviz & engineering. To work on fantastically important healthcare policy (medicare + medicaid is 1/3 of health spending). ~$85-135K! Apply! Share!: https://bit.ly/3gN5tpe https://t.co/FmYPO50UsR
@GersonRolim 3 years ago
10 Interesting and Impressive #AI Projects for Absolute Beginners (with Python Source Code) By @PiProgramming http://buff.ly/3gyJxhV #Chatbot Spam E-Mails Identifier Handwritten Digits Recognition Cancer Detection using medical data Via @100DaysOfMLCode #MachineLearning https://t.co/URep7v9V77
@pierrepinna 3 years ago
10 Interesting and Impressive #AI Projects for Absolute Beginners (with Python Source Code) | @PiProgramming https://buff.ly/3gyJxhV #Chatbot Spam E-Mails Identifier Handwritten Digits Recognition Cancer Detection using medical data ... #MachineLearning Cc @DeepLearn007 https://t.co/wof9VNgffS
@freecoupondays 4 years ago
Cutting-Edge AI: Deep Reinforcement Learning in Python http://bit.ly/2SOEroY #ArtificialIntelligence #DeepLearning #DataScience #Medicine #MachineLearning #Healthcare #HealthTech #USA #deeplearn2019 #hadoop #BigData #Django #Python #100DaysOfCode #webdev #100DaysOfMLCode https://t.co/iqeoemUip7