@CodeBug88 3 years ago
Expecting someone to be an expert with several years of exp in Python/R/Tensorflow/Pytorch/SQL/Stats/NLP/CompVision/Spark is like expecting a medic to be an expert in pediatrics/neurology/dermatology/nephrology all at once #HRDoesntKnoWhatIsDoing #DataScience
@slashgear.com 4 years ago
New guidelines warn ‘bad’ cholesterol levels should be as low as possible
@Primary_Immune1 7 years ago
Exp #GeneTherapy Reverses Tot's #SCID |http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/felix-quiring-immune-disorder-1.3739966 #SNRTG #BigData #PrimaryImmunodeficiency #RareDisease https://t.co/BENd1R5y63
@MedicBook_org 8 years ago
#BigData: Bold promise? Or the hardest part of population #health, precision medicine and better patient exp...? http://goo.gl/sRYlb2
@HITLABnyc 8 years ago
#Bigdata: Bold promise? Or the hardest part of pop #health, precision medicine and better patient exp? http://buff.ly/1ZB2xOH #healthit
@pmarca 8 years ago
RT @BrendanNyhan: Nutrition is the macroeconomics of medicine - full of weak obs evidence & v. limited randomized/natural exp. data https://twitter.com/aaronecarroll/status/658606770923941888