@CIFAR_News 3 years ago
Watch: Recent #CIFARVirtualTalk w Canada CIFAR AI Chair @MarzyehGhassemi (@VectorInst) & @josephpaulcohen (@MILAMontreal) on their new project applying novel #MachineLearning strategies to medical imaging to improve #COVID19 diagnostics https://youtu.be/LbMtt0oJzsE
@CIFAR_News 3 years ago
Watch: Recent #CIFARVirtualTalk w Canada CIFAR AI Chair @MarzyehGhassemi (@VectorInst) & @josephpaulcohen (@MILAMontreal) on their new project applying novel #MachineLearning strategies to medical imaging to improve #COVID19 diagnostics https://youtu.be/LbMtt0oJzsE
@falla_alejandra 4 years ago
A new era for medicinal chemistry is here! Impressive work on using #machinelearning to model novel antibiotic structures that show activity against multi-resistant bacteria. Congrats to @ItsJonStokes @A_CubillosRuiz and team https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(20)30102-1
@AtoAndyKing 5 years ago
New paper by James Clough out now in #IEEE #TPAMI - shows how to use novel manifold alignment approach for forming high resolution dynamic medical images: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8606099 @KingsImaging #MachineLearning #manifoldlearning #PETMR #medicalimaging #MRI