@Primary_Immune 2 years ago
Pediatric #COVID19 in Africa ...tragic data reflects global health and medical inequities https://www.umaryland.edu/news/archived-news/february-2022/african-children-dying-of-covid-19-at-higher-rates.php #WomenInSTEM #digitalhealth #bigdata #openscience #scicomm #itrtg #globalhealth https://t.co/FBCY7s2AHQ
@_atanas_ 2 years ago
AI breakthrough could spark medical revolution #AI #Medical #DHPSP #MedTwitterAI #100DaysOfCode #python #bioinformatics #MachineLearning #globalhealth #scicomm #WomenInSTEM #STEM #PhDVoice #HealthTech #DigitalHealth #Telehealth #mHealth #Wearables Attn: @NawazFaisal_ai @erlesen https://twitter.com/UofT_TCAIREM/status/1418582680015360001
@Primary_Immune 4 years ago
ICYMI - "AFM," a rare polio-like, paralyzing illness has been one of the biggest medical mysteries of this decade. -Today, a likely culprit identified - https://mbio.asm.org/content/mbio/10/4/e01903-19.full.pdf #ITRTG #GlobalHealth #PublicHealth #genomics #MedEd #SciComm #InfectiousDiseases #RareDisease #BigData https://t.co/WVeLkl6J3W
@Primary_Immune 5 years ago
Brilliant, Inexpensive Medical Innovation - A Toy Becomes a Diagnostic Medical Tool! https://phys.org/news/2019-01-fidget-spinner-centrifuge-blood-plasma.html #IOT #ITRTG #BigData #toys #games #SciComm #MedED #immunology #hematology #innovation #technology #GlobalHealth https://t.co/iIaHssTVzw