@c_f_baumgartner 3 years ago
A refresher for this post: we are looking for #PhD students and/or a post-doc to join our lab in beautiful Tübingen @uni_tue & @ml4science working on #MachineLearning for medical image analysis. Retweets still very welcome! #AcademicTwitter #PhDposition https://twitter.com/c_f_baumgartner/status/1377592473279684610 https://t.co/TFSvYSZjXy
@Raamana_ 3 years ago
The Pitt Brainhack @DeBurghing starts with a Guest Lecture by @amarquand on "Using #machinelearning and big data neuroscience to move toward precision medicine in #psychiatry". Their lab does very interesting and important work - join us! Latest program: https://pitt-brainhack.github.io/DeBurghing2020/ https://t.co/jqZ6rC33i4