@icymi_r 3 years ago
✍️🩺 Medical R: Creating Mini learnr Apps and Hosting on a Server: This post will explain how to create your own learnr apps and push them to an RStudio Server Open Source server. Peter Higgins @ibddoctor https://higgi13425.github.io/medical_r/posts/2020-12-27-creating-mini-learnr-apps-and-hosting-on-a-server/ #rstats #datascience
@DrDanHolmes 3 years ago
The @JMSACL of @MSACL fame is having a special #datascience issue for all of your #rstats and #python apps for laboratory medicine! Submissions do NOT need to be #massspec related. https://twitter.com/JMSACL/status/1387998515880546305
@ThrizXia 3 years ago
Sponsored Post: #fridaymorning #datascience Learn how to track your health with these medical apps! Click here!https://cutt.ly/Well-PositionedElectronicHealthDataSecurity It was said that adoption of mobile health apps could drive the claim for data needs. Check the disclaimer on profile and landing page.
@Omkar_Raii 5 years ago
Increase in adoption of big data analytics for healthcare apps, such as cost-effective medication, insurance planning for population health, and diagnostic approaches will push global #bigdata analytics in healthcare market to reach $48.5 billion by 2025. https://www.medgadget.com/2018/08/global-big-data-analytics-in-healthcare-market-rising-with-19-cagr-by-2025-emerging-trends-application-and-challenges.html
@gp_pulipaka 7 years ago
Computational psychiatry as a bridge from #Neuroscience to clinical apps. #BigData #MachineLearning #DataScience… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/795799517459259392
@M_Tredicini 8 years ago
#Wearable devices and mobile #health apps represent the future - Evolution and Revolution - of medicine. #BigData http://www.datasciencecentral.com/m/blogpost?id=6448529%3ABlogPost%3A353990
@WIRED 9 years ago
The first five apps built with ResearchKit are available today, and they’re built to help diagnose various disorders.