@JerryQu2 4 years ago
For the #MachineLearning community out there. The White House and a coalition of leading research groups, released 10 tasks on Kaggle 4 days ago to help generate insights for the medical community. I'll be dedicating time to this! https://www.kaggle.com/allen-institute-for-ai/CORD-19-research-challenge
@KirkDBorne 6 years ago
The Limits of #BigData in Medical Research: "It could help large institutions reach new insights into disease—but also make it harder for small labs with original ideas to compete for grants" https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/the-limits-of-big-data-in-medical-research/ #DataScience #HealthTech #MachineLearning #AI #Data4Good https://t.co/DIbsByvHE1