@freddytn 1 year ago
In #machinelearning, synthetic data can offer real performance improvements Models trained on synthetic data ➡️ eliminate privacy, copyright, & ethical concerns from using real data @MIT_CSAIL @MITEECS @MIT_SCC @MITIBMLab #health #healthcare #medicine https://news.mit.edu/2022/synthetic-data-ai-improvements-1103
@freddytn 2 years ago
Shifting #MachineLearning for #healthcare from development to deployment & from models to data By A Zhang, L Xing, J Zou & J Wu Data-centric view of #innovation + challenges #health #medicine #datascience #artificialintelligence @natBME @NaturePortfolio https://www.nature.com/articles/s41551-022-00898-y
@freddytn 2 years ago
Downside of #MachineLearning in #HealthCare How hidden biases in med data could compromise #ArtificialIntelligence approaches Need to improve quality of data but data collection not incentivized rewarded #health #medicine #AI @MIT_CSAIL @MIT_IMES @MIT_SCC https://news.mit.edu/2022/marzyeh-ghassemi-explores-downside-machine-learning-health-care-0201
@ICT4DConference 3 years ago
Curious about #AI and #MachineLearning 🤖 partnerships for global health impact? #Health‍data sharing? Ethical considerations? Then you should join us at the #ICT4D Partnerships Conference January 12 by @Accenture with @USAID, @dimagi, @NovartisFDN, @Medic, and @CRS_Expertise! https://t.co/UwVzISYete
@sallyeaves 4 years ago
New Dawn in #personalised #healthcare Powered by #AI Early #research again demonstrates capacity to target treatment based on #MachineLearning - here related to #lungcancer & #Immunotherapy data @WHO @DomCushnan http://bit.ly/PreciseAI #Health #Medicines #ArtificialIntelligence https://t.co/bv3UJDoN9n