@dr_ijzeR 1 year ago
Are you struggling with data analysis and statistics in your research? Looking for an expert in R programming with a medical and research background? Look no further, I am here to help you! #rstats #datascience #rstudio #programming #statistics #omics #research #analysis #tutor https://t.co/tOq5noCYEU
@WomenInStat 2 years ago
Our #RoCur for this week is @emilyk_roberts of @UMich! #statistics #datascience #wsds Emily is a #Biostatistics PhD candidate interested in statistical methodology that can be applied in a meaningful way to medical and #publichealth data. https://t.co/jv5aWeUuad
@WomenInStat 2 years ago
Our #RoCur this week is @JulieJosseStat of @Inria! #Statistics #DataScience #WSDS Julie is a Senior Reseacher working on handling missing values, causal inference, and combining RCT and observational data in collaboration with medical doctors. http://juliejosse.com/ https://t.co/W3YV8SbOM3
@EdwardTufte 4 years ago
Seek precise update to 2018 (or 2017) of notable @OurWorldInData graphic life expectancy vs medical care costs 1970-2014, for my new book. Need data table+sources for available countries. Will credit work, pay you. #epidemiology #statistics #datascience #healtheconomics https://t.co/l1xM1zsIWB
@EdwardTufte 6 years ago
If use of every statistical model was accompanied warnings similar to those accompanying every prescription drug. In medical research, mistakes in data analysis can shorten 1000s of lives. #biostatistics #statistics #datascience https://t.co/GhLltkd3NG