@AimedisGlobal 1 year ago
$AIMX @CoinMarketCap Supply data is finally updated and verified ✅ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/aimedis-new/ #Metaverse #VR #Healthcare #medicine #Blockchain #Data #AI #BigData #Aimedis https://t.co/AsDQ1bX2wP
@CLodeiro4Nano 1 year ago
2nd management meeting of the COST action . Personalized medicine in Chronic Kidney Disease: Improved Outcome Need on Big Data ( Perdimek) A full working day. Cyprus. Pissouri Bay. #medicine #LAQV_REQUIMTE #PROTEOMASS #BIOSCOPEGROUP #bigdata https://t.co/u3bTbOoZSX
@dr_nael 1 year ago
Practicing precision medicine with intelligently integrative clinical and multi-omics data analysis #artificialintelligence #dataanalysis #integrativeanalysis #healthcare #integrativemedicine #medicine #multiomics #machinelearning #precisionmedicine https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7530549/
@AndreaSottoriva 1 year ago
Fully-funded 4-yrs #PhD in #DataScience for #biology & #medicine, @humantechnopole (Milan) + @Sissaschool (Triest), no restriction on nationality. DATA+THEORY to fight diseases. Apply now, end Feb 17th! -> http://datascience.sissa.it/apply #LifeSciences #MachineLearning #datasciencejobs https://t.co/wSOUcexSIL
@ResearchpodHQ 1 year ago
Dr. Susan Mertins, is exploring how ordinary differential equations and #machinelearning can be applied to #cancer data for biomarker discovery and drug development, leading to improvements in personalised #medicine. Listen now: https://www.buzzsprout.com/582022/11871011-computational-biology-how-mathematical-modelling-can-help-cure-cancer
@freddytn 1 year ago
In #machinelearning, synthetic data can offer real performance improvements Models trained on synthetic data ➡️ eliminate privacy, copyright, & ethical concerns from using real data @MIT_CSAIL @MITEECS @MIT_SCC @MITIBMLab #health #healthcare #medicine https://news.mit.edu/2022/synthetic-data-ai-improvements-1103
@freddytn 2 years ago
Shifting #MachineLearning for #healthcare from development to deployment & from models to data By A Zhang, L Xing, J Zou & J Wu Data-centric view of #innovation + challenges #health #medicine #datascience #artificialintelligence @natBME @NaturePortfolio https://www.nature.com/articles/s41551-022-00898-y
@kmborgwardt 2 years ago
I enjoyed this podcast interview on #MachineLearning in #Medicine with the @computomics team, discussing our work on predicting sepsis https://sepsis-network.ch/ and harmonizing Swiss ICU data. #digitalhealth https://twitter.com/computomics/status/1527575002584850433
@JohnNosta 2 years ago
Nobel laureate economist Ronald H. Coase once said: “If you torture the data long enough, it will confess to anything”. #data #digitalhealth #bigdata #medicine #quote https://t.co/8gvmCiMR8c
@CNS_Update 2 years ago
This Data Science Course can help you use this new tech to improve prognostication in neurosurgery. No previous experience required! Join us for this virtual course on June 11 and learn more here: http://cns.org/ai-course #datascience #neurosurgery #technology #medicine https://t.co/5lcEi3SbQg
@_atanas_ 2 years ago
⚕️ " ultimately showing a potential of this hackathon as a platform to connect the two communities of data science and medicine " #Hackathon #DataScience #Medicine #HospitalsTalkToLovedOnes https://twitter.com/rafael52987/status/1517656504542941186
@CatherineAdenle 2 years ago
More?‍- The Need for Data Science in Healthcare Industry http://www.primeclasses.in/blog/?p=2143 #data #DataScience #datasets #health #imaging #ClinicalTrial #pharma #Genomics #medicine #HealthTech #predictive #Analytics
@freddytn 2 years ago
Downside of #MachineLearning in #HealthCare How hidden biases in med data could compromise #ArtificialIntelligence approaches Need to improve quality of data but data collection not incentivized rewarded #health #medicine #AI @MIT_CSAIL @MIT_IMES @MIT_SCC https://news.mit.edu/2022/marzyeh-ghassemi-explores-downside-machine-learning-health-care-0201
@gilienv 2 years ago
Opening Session of the Asia-Pacific @APBioNetorg #BWF2022 #Student #Workshop on #Artificial #Intelligence driven #Bioinformatics. Starting today, we teach #Statistics & #machinelearning approaches on using existing data/information 2predict future outcomes Day1: #AI in #Medicine https://t.co/8O07ekm7lN
@slashgear.com 2 years ago
Moderna booster gets some Omicron good news
@slashgear.com 2 years ago
Pfizer’s early COVID vaccine trial data hints at bad news for some parents
@venturebeat.com 2 years ago
Surgeons cautiously embrace medical metaverse
@techcrunch.com 2 years ago
Truveta is making progress towards building a living medical portrait of America
@marcusborba 2 years ago
How AI advances can enable medical research without sharing personal data https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/10/advances-ai-enable-medical-research-without-sharing-data/ via @wef #Medicine #ArtificialIntelligence #BigData #Analytics #DeepLearning #AI #HealthTech #100DaysofCode #iot #serverless #womenwhocode #DataScience #MachineLearning #healthcare https://t.co/XtSbEm5kBK
@extremetech.com 2 years ago
Apple Watch Better At Finding Arrhythmias Than We Thought
@cointelegraph.com 2 years ago
The next generation of data-driven healthcare is here
@JohnNosta 3 years ago
"If prevention is worth a pound of cure, data is worth a pound of prevention." #digitalhealth #technology #healthtech #medicine #data #bigdata #AI @ATTBusiness #ATTinfluencer https://t.co/qM69Zy1icS
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
Johnson & Johnson claims COVID-19 vaccine booster ups antibodies by 9x
@Sca_DS 3 years ago
#DataScience and #Medicine: Professor @toralf_kirsten takes the new professorship and the department for Medical Data Science at @UniLeipzig and @UKL_Leipzig! This is a further step towards the innovative integration of #IT solutions in medical research https://www.l-iz.de/melder/wortmelder/2021/08/prof-toralf-kirsten-uebernimmt-neu-geschaffene-professur-und-abteilung-fuer-medical-data-science-403682 https://t.co/N4u8do7xZB
@Michael_D_Moor 3 years ago
Preprint alert! Interested in #MachineLearning in #medicine and #sepsis? We developed and validated a #DeepLearning model for predicting sepsis across 5 ICU databases from 3 countries featuring 156k ICU stays and 783 patient years worth of monitoring data. A 🧵. 1/n https://t.co/4RL3UaXYIY
@EASLedu 3 years ago
Fayyaz Minhas on #biology and #medicine meet #AI, starting by explaining #MachineLearning: learning from data for generalisation to unseen cases, captivating! #livertwitter #ILC2021 https://t.co/3xjI9f464z
It took a pandemic, but the US finally has (some) centralized medical data
@cointelegraph.com 3 years ago
Akon to sell historic DNA data art as NFT in collaboration with Oasis Network
@scanta_io 3 years ago
As the number of various #IoT devices monitoring a patient’s medical data increases, the number of entry points for hackers also increases. Retweet If you agree! #Scanta #CyberSecurity #cybercrime #DataBreach #CyberAttack #100DaysOfCode #hacking #healthcare #medicine #BigData
@DanielAKeane10 3 years ago
Data Mining in Healthcare - A Review An interesting scientific paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050915036066 #AI #DataScience #Analytics #Statistics #Linux #RStats #dataviz #Python #100DaysOfCode #WomenWhoCode #Tech #CyberSecurity #nodejs #healthcare #biology #medicine #business
@engadget.com 3 years ago
Leak exposes personal data for millions of Brazilian COVID-19 patients
@TysonLester 3 years ago
Via @Hi_TechTrends: "Big Data In #Healthcare 2020." https://htechtrends.com/big-data-in-healthcare/ #BigData making a big impact in healthcare: -Success with Patients -Diligence in Care -Lowered Costs -Effective/Efficient #Medicine -Advanced Security -More Aware Doctors #Data #Tech #MachineLearning
@cointelegraph.com 3 years ago
Q&A: Big data’s role in medicine, supply chains and smart cities
@cointelegraph.com 3 years ago
Centralized data management hampered the global response to COVID-19
@engadget.com 4 years ago
India will provide ID cards that store all your medical data
@us_bridge 4 years ago
#BigData: @P4LUCAT project will make available a #BigData analytics framework able to integrate patient data, public repositories, and literature evidence. ℹ️ Check the website: https://p4-lucat.eu #AI #analytics #patient #data #repositories #medicine
@AlbertJiaoMD 4 years ago
would like to jump into the world of data science/ML in radiology, but unsure where to start. have undergrad degree in math with multiple CS courses. Any suggestions for resources? #radiology #residency #medicine #MachineLearning #ArtificialIntelligence
@venturebeat.com 4 years ago
Researchers aim to measure the impact of imprecise medical data on AI predictions
@cointelegraph.com 4 years ago
South Korea Brings Blockchain to Healthcare, but That’s Just the Start
@cointelegraph.com 4 years ago
Decentralization: Preserving Personal Privacy While Fighting COVID-19
@engadget.com 4 years ago
Australia rolls out COVID-19 tracking app with privacy concerns
@idalail98916215 4 years ago
Statistics / Data Analysis in SPSS: Inferential Statistics http://bit.ly/2SMeFBo #ArtificialIntelligence #DeepLearning #DataScience #Medicine #MachineLearning #Healthcare #ML #HealthTech #Germany #deeplearn2019 #BigData #Django #Python #100DaysOfCode #webdev #100DaysOfMLCode https://t.co/14gyMx0Qkm
@srf_aku 4 years ago
SRF recently conducted a talk on "The New Era of #Research: Data Science in Health" by Dr. Rumi Chunara-renowned #datascientist and Assistant Professor at New York University. She spoke about the need for #data driven decision making and #deeplearning in #medicine. #datascience https://t.co/Sda3WbsOpg
@engadget.com 4 years ago
Major health records company fights federal rules on shareable patient data
@raamana_ 4 years ago
tips to review #MachineLearning papers, esp. in #medicine & #neuroscience: -ask for a flowchart from raw data to final metrics! -don't assume CV (like repeated holdout) and advanced metrics (AUC) are implemented correctly. If you don't follow it drunk, they're likely wrong!
@BrandonPetersMD 4 years ago
Artificial intelligence and machine learning as applied to medicine and health data is often as much a blackbox as it sounds. #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #HealthTech #BigData #Biometrics #healthcare #futurism #sleep #WearableTech #wearables #medicine #medtwitter
@davorjord 4 years ago
Big Data, Health Informatics, and the Future of Medicine >> https://bit.ly/2MKZOUE Via @DecisionsSmart #BigData #health #medicine #future
@ColumbiaDBMI 4 years ago
DBMI Associate Professor @nicktatonetti focuses on the use of advanced data science methods, including #ArtificialIntelligence and #MachineLearning, to investigate #Medicine safety. #TranslationalInformatics #DataScience #DrugSafety #DBMIin2019 ➡️ https://www.dbmi.columbia.edu/non-traditional-thinking-guides-nick-tatonetti-ph-d-to-important-advancements-in-health-healthcare/ https://t.co/1U7H2guojA