@Primary_Immune 5 years ago
A new, just-identified #PrimaryImmunodeficiency disorder enters medical literature #ITRTG #BigData #immunology #DataScience #genomics #SciComm #MedEd #RareDisease #technology cc: @220Amoma4 @DrYesimDem @Info4PI Article: https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-05/uoca-ndd050619.php Journal: http://jem.rupress.org/content/early/2019/04/29/jem.20182015 https://t.co/myIR5L7P5Y
@Primary_Immune 5 years ago
The 9:1 gender imbalance in autoimmunity: A fascinating answer to an enduring medical mystery #SNRTG #DataScience #Scicomm #Meded #autoimmune #immunology #Lupus #genomics #RareDisease Article: https://eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-04/mm-u-dmh041819.php Journal: https://insight.jci.org/articles/view/127291 @umichmedicine @UMich https://t.co/NxIktw4sSm
@Primary_Immune 5 years ago
A Brand New #RareDisease Enters Medical Literature; Genes Never Before Implicated in Human Pathology Decoded https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-02/uob-fpa020519.php #IoT #ITRTG #BigData #SciComm #Meded #DataScience #technology #genomics #RareDisease #EnfermedadesRaras @UniBarcelona https://t.co/yWqJ7lZtTQ
@Primary_Immune 5 years ago
An Inspirational and Touching Profile of a Rare Disease Cure-Hunter in the Winter 2019 Issue of Harvard Medical Magazine https://hms.harvard.edu/magazine/artificial-intelligence #ITRTG #BigData #DataScience #SciComm #MedEd #technology #genomics #AI #MachineLearning #RareDisease @IAmSamFin @zakkohane @HarvardDBMI https://t.co/Yyy4fMXEla
@Primary_Immune 5 years ago
Not Sure About Compensation, But YES, Ownership of OUR Data Is a Human Right https://www.economist.com/open-future/2019/01/21/we-need-to-own-our-data-as-a-human-right-and-be-compensated-for-it #IoT #ITRTG #BigData #DataScience #SciComm #MedEd #music #technology #data #tech #HumanRights #genomics #RareDisease #AI CC: @erictopol ***Nice Mention of Medical Data :-) https://t.co/A5ZioXQYLK
@Primary_Immune 5 years ago
A Brand New Rare #Genetic Disease Enters Medical Literature - A New Primary Immunodeficiency Disorder :-) https://www.mcgill.ca/newsroom/channels/news/another-medical-cold-case-cracked-muhcs-dr-house-292353 #ITRTG #IoT #BigData #DataScience #genomics #SciComm #technology #genetics #MedEd #PrimaryImmunodeficiency #Immunology #RareDisease @mcgillu https://t.co/K03ORKB15v
@Primary_Immune 5 years ago
A Brand New Rare Genetic Disorder Enters Medical Literature #IoT #ITRTG #BigData #bioinformatics #DataScience #technology #SciComm #MedEd #genetics #genomics #RareDisease @cgonzagaj @ClinicSpecChild Article: https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2018-11/cfsc-rfm111918.php Journal: https://www.cell.com/cms/10.1016/j.ajhg.2018.09.014/attachment/d5042c06-1a04-428c-a4b1-16bd615b484a/mmc2 https://t.co/IfcBtqJ6Ht
@Primary_Immune 5 years ago
Brain Research to Cancer, Stem Cells to Genetics, And All Points Between - The Rising Stars of Science & Medicine, 2018 https://www.statnews.com/wunderkinds/?utm_content=buffer01951&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=twitter_organic #IoT #ITRTG #BigData #DataScience #SciComm #MedEd #genetics #genomics #biotech #STEM #StemCells #technology #RareDisease @statnews https://t.co/xMHr4pMAfG
@Primary_Immune 6 years ago
A Nice Update on a Medical "Moonshot" Project - Mapping EVERY SINGLE Cell of the Human Body https://wellcome.ac.uk/news/how-make-sense-bodys-billions-cells?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=referral-wellcome&utm_campaign= #MedED #ITRTG #SciComm #genetics #SNRTG #genomics #tech #technology #BigData #DataScience #biology #RareDisease #RareDiseases @humancellatlas https://t.co/JKh3TecHzf
@Primary_Immune 6 years ago
It's Not Everyday That a Brand New #RareDisease Enters Medical Literature https://elifesciences.org/articles/32451 #SciComm #ITRTG #BigData #DataScience #IoT #innovation #technology #SNRTG #MedEd #brain #genetics #epilepsy #neuroscience #genomics https://t.co/fisuGUtWne
@Primary_Immune 6 years ago
Towards Medical Cures - One Generous Patient Donating Their Medical Data At a Time https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/apr/22/medical-research-needs-big-data-tessa-jowell-gets-ball-rolling #ITRTG #MedEd #BigData #science #technology #SNRTG #IT #IoT #philanthropy #DataScience #SciComm #RareDisease #genetics #genomics https://t.co/XwQwOyU1Rq
@Primary_Immune 6 years ago
50 #Science Breakthroughs That Have, And Will Save, Lives Immeasurable - Medical Topics Abound! https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/03/the-50-most-important-life-saving-breakthroughs-in-history #IoT #IT #BigData #genetics #genomics #innovation #DataScience #AI #MedEd #technology #RareDisease #Drones #3DPrinting #GlobalHealth #pharma #biotech https://t.co/0R3baRIxHR
@Primary_Immune 6 years ago
A Call for Compassionate Medical Science to Merge with Family-Driven #CitizenScience | http://wbur.fm/2Aqtl1S #ITRTG #genomics #IoT #technology #RareDisease #science #BigData #OpenScience #DataScience #biotech #pharma #MedEd #SNRTG #genetics https://t.co/IJT4tNNDNF