@JAMA_current 3 years ago
The @US_FDA is launching a Digital Health Center of Excellence to advance technologies including #wearables and mobile health devices, #AI and #MachineLearning-based health technologies for disease detection, and reducing medical device cybersecurity risks https://ja.ma/2TWfdo1
@kiranshaw 5 years ago
A Hyderabad-based #startup has designed an integrated #healthtech platform that can read medical data from health records, predict health risks and offer #personalized recommendations with the help of #AI and #datascience https://bit.ly/2FvuSXe
@Hdatavis 8 years ago
Powerful cloud-based computers can crunch medical records to predict and prevent painful health issues http://buff.ly/1SRhYio #datascience
@Bigdatahires 8 years ago
A #Medical/#health sector #bigdata #startup picks up #VC funding- Vancouver-based #PHEMI picks up $12MM SeriesA http://goo.gl/zueMrg