@maxkelsen 3 years ago
Our Research Lab has developed a #machinelearning model that can rapidly diagnose glaucoma based off medical images, with an error rate less than half that of human doctors. #AI #glaucoma #MedTech #DigitalHealth https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/national/queensland/ai-trained-to-spot-disease-that-sends-people-blind-20210706-p587ca.html
@TV_HIEC_Chair 3 years ago
RT @HarbRimah: AI doctors and the dangers tiered medical care https://finance.yahoo.com/news/hitting-the-books-new-laws-of-robotics-frank-pasquale-harvard-university-press-163059703.html #AI #5G #MachineLearning #DataScience #Python #100DaysOfCode #DEVCommunity #IoT #flutter #javascript #Serverless #cybersecurity #RStats #technology #DeepLearning #Digital #VR #AR #MedTech #D…
@HarbRimah 3 years ago
AI doctors and the dangers tiered medical care https://finance.yahoo.com/news/hitting-the-books-new-laws-of-robotics-frank-pasquale-harvard-university-press-163059703.html #AI #5G #MachineLearning #DataScience #Python #100DaysOfCode #DEVCommunity #IoT #flutter #javascript #Serverless #cybersecurity #RStats #technology #DeepLearning #Digital #VR #AR #MedTech #Doctor #healthcare
@Deep_In_Depth 4 years ago
Don't believe the hype: Today's AI unlikely to best actual doctors at diagnosing patients from medical scans https://buff.ly/2WJiZUt #DeepLearning #NeuralNetworks #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #AGI #NeuroMorphic #NPU #DL #AI #ML #NLP #TensorFlow #Keras #PyTorch
@WIRED 6 years ago
For decades doctors have been probing both ends of the gastrointestinal tract, trying to decode its dark and slimy terrains. But, thanks to these pill-sized ...
@amitba 6 years ago
Israel to build the world's largest digitised database of medical information, which could be used by researchers, companies and doctors. #eHealth #HealthIT #BigData https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-03-25/israel-to-invest-275-million-in-digital-health-project
@WIRED 6 years ago
Qualcomm is developing an entirely new kind of healthcare—one where tools like VR help doctors better understand, diagnose, and treat patients in real life.
@WIRED 7 years ago
Doctors can plug into this medical superintelligence to decrease patient wait time to days, not months, for tests and prescriptions.
@WIRED 7 years ago
When doctors genome sequenced 50 test patients, they expected to find *maybe* one person with a genetic disease marker. Instead, they found 11.
@WIRED 7 years ago
When doctors genome sequenced 50 test patients, they expected to find *maybe* one person with a genetic disease marker. Instead, they found 11.
@Bill_Gross 7 years ago
Medical error is the 3rd most common cause of death. #AI & #MachineLearning can warn doctors of things they need to… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/846869499022258176
@WIRED 7 years ago
Doctors who work 15 hour days don't always have time to read up on the latest medical findings, but an AI physician’s assistant could.
@WIRED 7 years ago
Doctors who work 15 hour days don't always have time to read up on the latest medical findings, but an AI physician’s assistant could.
@medickinson 7 years ago
How #MachineLearning can help medical doctors make informed decisions on patient treatment http://m.nzherald.co.nz/technology/news/article.cfm?c_id=5&objectid=11737511… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/792457114710974464
@WIRED 7 years ago
Just a little reminder that the AAPS is not an unbiased medical group. It is a highly conservative, tea-party aligned non-profit that's not even comprised ...
@bizcarson 8 years ago
RT @JohnCarreyrou: Study: @theranos cholesterol results differ from Quest and LabCorp enough to throw off doctors' medical decisions http://on.wsj.com/1ohBCJY
@WIRED 8 years ago
When the doctors put a pacemaker into Marie Moe's heart to save her life, she had one question: can it be hacked? Now she's trying to hack it herself.Read ...
@pmarca 8 years ago
RT @BaldingsWorld: Patients shouldn't beat up doctors, but medical care in rural Africa is better than most of China. There's a reason https://twitter.com/wangxiangweihk/status/678892013710798849
@pmarca 8 years ago
RT @ExumAM: God bless these doctors and what they're doing for severely maimed veterans. Medical science is freaking incredible. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/07/health/penis-transplants-being-planned-to-heal-troops-hidden-wounds.html?smprod=nytcore-iphone&smid=nytcore-iphone-share
@chrissyfarr 8 years ago
Would-be doctors at NYU's medical school are learning about #bigdata, analytics http://ww2.kqed.org/futureofyou/2015/11/03/nyu-doctors-are-now-required-to-learn-big-data/
@WIRED 8 years ago
This is a story of how unexpected tech can save a life: When a woman walking her dog in California was struck by a car, doctors were desperate to find ...
@WIRED 9 years ago
Google says it has worked with a team of doctors to determine what medical information should pop up and ensure the accuracy of the results.
@WIRED 9 years ago
In the U.S., unnecessary medical treatments cost $210 billion a year. David Newman's site could help change that.