@Lago72 1 year ago
Gaps & opportunities for #Medical #Wearables in #digitalhealth HT @sonu_monika #health #SaaS #5G #DataAnalytics #Python #RStats #Reactjs #flutter #javascript #bot #TensorFlow #BigData #100DaysOfCode #Algorithms #Analytics #Data #NLP #IoT #bias #ehr #emr #telemedicine #IoT https://t.co/GXZynKpT40
@sonu_monika 1 year ago
Paralyzed People Can Navigate Using MindControlled Wheelchairalt #Medical #Wearables #digitalhealth #health #SaaS #5G #AI #Python #RStats #Reactjs #flutter #javascript #bot #TensorFlow #BigData #100DaysOfCode #Algorithms #Analytics #Data #NLP #IoT #ehr #telemedicine #innovative https://t.co/75YkssVg3j
@sonu_monika 1 year ago
#FDA’s list of #AI-enabled #Medical #devices #Wearables #digitalhealth #health #digitalhealth #SaaS #5G #AI #DataAnalytics #Python #RStats #Reactjs #flutter #javascript #bot #TensorFlow #BigData #100DaysOfCode #Algorithms #Analytics #Data #NLP #IoT #bias #ehr #emr #telemedicine https://t.co/CkJpE6fJrr
@digitalhealthxx 1 year ago
#code 1st vs #API 1st #development #Medical #Wearables #digitalhealth #health #digitalhealth #SaaS #5G #AI #DataAnalytics #Python #RStats #Reactjs #flutter #javascript #bot #TensorFlow #BigData #100DaysOfCode #Algorithms #Analytics #Data #NLP #IoT #bias #ehr #emr #telemedicine https://t.co/IgC7JhODXO
@sonu_monika 1 year ago
#code 1st vs #API 1st #development #Medical #Wearables #digitalhealth #health #digitalhealth #SaaS #5G #AI #DataAnalytics #Python #RStats #Reactjs #flutter #javascript #bot #TensorFlow #BigData #100DaysOfCode #Algorithms #Analytics #Data #NLP #IoT #bias #ehr #emr #telemedicine https://t.co/yVBxtYW15o
@sonu_monika 1 year ago
Gaps & opportunities for #Medical #Wearables in #digitalhealthalt #health #digitalhealth #SaaS #5G #DataAnalytics #Python #RStats #Reactjs #flutter #javascript #bot #TensorFlow #BigData #100DaysOfCode #Algorithms #Analytics #Data #NLP #IoT #bias #ehr #emr #telemedicine #IoT https://t.co/zJF5p3fQGc
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
#Bigdata & #AI used by nations for #pandemic #healthtech #DataScience #Python #Analytics #Data #flutter #Serverless #neuralnetwork #NLP #digitalhealth #Algorithms #Blockchain #datasets #BigData #IoT #dataviz #Wearables #publichealth #FDA #CE #medicaldevices #Telemedicine #COVID19 https://t.co/OBqFIFYkCp
@stratorob 2 years ago
#AI & cancer: #BigData, big gains for #Medicine @OpenAccessGov https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/ai-cancer/129591/ @luc_schuurmans @MariaFariello1 @leimer @nigelwalsh @drruchibhatt @oxana_zeitler @you_stem @shai_wininger @TamaraMcCleary #ArtificialIntelligence #Telemedicine #DigitalHealth #HealthTech
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
How #VirtualReality in #Healthcare Is Changing Medicine https://builtin.com/healthcare-technology/ar-virtual-reality-healthcare #HealthTech #analytics #BigData #Serverless #flutter #EmergingTech #cloud #Data #healthequity #DataScience #publichealth #healthcare #Wearables #sensors #Telemedicine #digitalhealth @sonu_monika
@daniel_kraft 2 years ago
A long-form interview I did taking a dive into the cutting edge and accelerating future of health and medicine... From #DigitalHealth, #AI and #BigData to #AR, #telemedicine to the democratizing of #healthtech, #GlobalHealth and health equity. https://youtu.be/-UexSru17MM
@UCLAAnes 3 years ago
Congratulations to our faculty member @DrLalehJ & chair @CannessonMaxime for their latest article: Precision medicine in #anesthesiology https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32991333/ #ArtificialIntelligence #computervision #telemedicine #DigitalHealth #BigData @UCLAHealth
@DigiHealthConf 7 years ago
#Digitalhealth Call for Papers!#Robotics #Telemedicine #bigdata #AI #mhealth #ehealth #medtech #womenintech… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/814532601922850820