@jennkwanMDPhD 3 years ago
Excited! @EricTopol's joining us for @A_P_S_A's webinar on #AI/#bigdata to discuss the role of #AI/digital health technologies in pandemic response, other health areas, #PrecisionMedicine: How #physicianscientists can shape the future of medicine. Join us: https://tinyurl.com/y8e2q8y5
@charlie_lees 5 years ago
I urge you to watch this now. This is the future of medicine. I believe that we should make it the now if medicine. I want to make this the reality of how we care for people with #IBD #MachineLearning #bigdata #ai #PrecisionMedicine @EricTopol @predicct https://twitter.com/theeconomist/status/1105529611436339200
@jameyedwards 6 years ago
Excited to be representing #pinksocks at @FortuneMagazine @bstormhealth. From the future of food to #bigdata, #PrecisionMedicine to #AI and from #meditation to #telemedicine, the future of #healthcare will be thoroughly explored! #hcldr #innovation #medicine #DesignThinking https://t.co/NTYQH7RxDU
@CleClinicMD 7 years ago
The future of research will depend on team sicence, #precisionmedicine and #bigdata #StateOfTheClinic https://t.co/pCZsNGthii