@YarysaEMR 3 years ago
Yarysa is an EMR system made for hospitals, it’s a data-driven software which helps medical facilities enhance their healthcare delivery. #hospitalsinghana #ghana #doctorsgh #emrghana #softwaregh #ehealth #africa #GH #data #AI #MachineLearning #DigitalTransformation #telehealth https://t.co/zoExQ2YIyS
@ICITorg 7 years ago
What Happens to Breached Health Data? - LA County Medical Association http://ow.ly/3yDF306P0Zp #ehealth #mhealth #bigdata #tech
@cor_marti 7 years ago
Challenges and Opportunities of Big Data in Health Care: A Systematic Review #BigData #digitalhealth #ehealth http://medinform.jmir.org/2016/4/e38/
@brouardbenoit01 7 years ago
Learn more on the promizes of #Precision #Medicine#data #ehealth #genome #bigdata #health http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp1608282