@ScientistKris 2 years ago
Any PhD students interested in a data science internship at a medical robotics company next summer? You don't need medical robotics experience, just data skills (R/Python). Interns often convert to full time roles at graduation! Please reach out directly! #datascience #rstats
@Rahul00811 2 years ago
#Day16 Data analysis with python certification Project ongoing ✅ Medical Data Visualizer #100DaysOfCode #100DaysOfPython #DataScience #Python @freeCodeCamp
@CodeBug88 3 years ago
Expecting someone to be an expert with several years of exp in Python/R/Tensorflow/Pytorch/SQL/Stats/NLP/CompVision/Spark is like expecting a medic to be an expert in pediatrics/neurology/dermatology/nephrology all at once #HRDoesntKnoWhatIsDoing #DataScience