@freddytn 2 years ago
#ArtificialIntelligence system rapidly predicts how 2 proteins attach #MachineLearning model could help scientists speed dev of new meds & directly predict complex that will form 80-500X faster #health #medicine #biotech @MIT @MIT_CSAIL @AIHealthMIT https://news.mit.edu/2022/ai-predicts-protein-docking-0201
@DiagnosingML 3 years ago
External validation of a widely implemented Sepsis Prediction Model shows significantly poorer performance than reported by developers. https://ja.ma/3wXhG3s via @JAMAInternalMed #machinelearning #ethics #ethicalAI #health #AI #medicine @stacymcarter
@adaihueze 3 years ago
I built a heart disease binary classification model based on some common factors and causatives. The article can be found here => https://lnkd.in/d94wfrP #Health #medicine #MachineLearning #DataScience #WomenWhoCode #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbies #womenintech #WomenInSTEM