@Cyber_Valley 2 years ago
Improving the fundamentals of #MachineLearning, but also establishing guidelines for #certification of such #AI systems, thereby enabling safe use in #medicine. Learn more about the new #research project, funded by @CZ_Stiftung: https://cyber-valley.de/en/news/sichere-ki-systeme-und-deren-zertifizierung-im-gesundheitsbereich @uni_tue @ml4science
@naturemethods 5 years ago
Labs in the new Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology @BIMSB_MDC will develop and use tech--high-throughput sequencing, #SingleCell techniques, #MachineLearning. Here’s our chat with @N_Rajewsky about BIMSB, @LifeTimeFET and playing piano. http://bit.ly/2GbVtXK https://t.co/uZ1rnfq5QX