@Primary_Immune 6 years ago
It's Not Everyday That a Brand New #RareDisease Enters Medical Literature https://elifesciences.org/articles/32451 #SciComm #ITRTG #BigData #DataScience #IoT #innovation #technology #SNRTG #MedEd #brain #genetics #epilepsy #neuroscience #genomics https://t.co/fisuGUtWne
@Primary_Immune 6 years ago
"Sequence Me" - If Precision Medicine Needed a Sales-Pitch...It's Found One! https://www.forbes.com/sites/zinamoukheiber/2018/04/05/bryce-olson-wants-to-raise-awareness-about-precision-medicine-his-rallying-cry-sequence-me/#8b225f12a27f #ITRTG #BigData #science #innovation #technology #IoT #genetics #genomics #DataScience #SNRTG #ProstateCancer #RareDisease https://t.co/Ppe9NS2DUd
@Primary_Immune 6 years ago
Life-Changing Medical Innovation - From (My) Israel to the World http://www.newsweek.com/israel-wheelchair-paralyzed-rewalk-amit-goffer-831426 #BigData #innovation #science #biotech #disabilities #SNRTG #disability #technology #inspiration #Israel https://t.co/9NDOlwnDek
@Primary_Immune 6 years ago
A #Smartphone Microscope Could Transform Medical Diagnostics Globally http://www.newsweek.com/3d-printed-smartphone-microscope-could-prevent-disease-developing-countries-812938 #ITRTG #innovation #science #BigData #tech #technology #RareDisease #SNRTG #science #pathology #GlobalHealth #startups #3Dprinting https://t.co/iCTsE1I8hs
@Primary_Immune 6 years ago
Tricorder & Beyond - On #ScienceFictionDay, Recognizing Medical Technology That Has, Or Is Making, the Leap from Fiction to Reality #ITRTG #OpenScience #scifi #sciencefiction #IoT #innovation #BigData #science #technology #SNRTG #tech #StarTrek https://t.co/hXDmPu1Uyn
@Primary_Immune 6 years ago
These Medical Devices Have One Thing In Common - All Were Designed By Doctors and Nurses! http://news.mit.edu/2017/startup-makerhealth-turns-clinicians-into-makers-1219 #innovation #OpenScience #ITRTG #GlobalHealth #tech #technology #science #BigData #SNRTG #startup #nursing #startups #STEM #engineering https://t.co/iWiA7RqELz
@Primary_Immune 6 years ago
On #RareDisease Research & '#GeneTherapy 2.0' - 'We Need To Celebrate Advances in Medical Science – Though They May Take Years to Emerge" https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/dec/17/stunning-gene-therapy-breakthrough-riposte-to-truth-tarnished-times #OpenScience #science #ITRTG #BigData #genomics #biotech #data #biotech #genetics #innovation #SNRTG #technology
@Primary_Immune 6 years ago
DNA Sequencing: The Present and Future of Medicine https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/theworldpost/wp/2017/12/13/human-genome/?utm_term=.57777a19b721 #ITRTG #OpenScience #science #BigData #tech #technology #genetics #genomics #RareDisease #GlobalHealth #SNRTG #innovation https://t.co/TF6BLhqUYZ
@Primary_Immune 6 years ago
Cool Medical Innovation - A 3D-Printed, Solar-Powered Blood Laboratory-In-a-Box https://qz.com/1152790/fieldlab-is-a-3d-printed-solar-powered-medical-diagnostics-lab-in-a-box/ #ITRTG #IoT #GlobalHealth #OpenScience #tech #technology #innovation #science #SNRTG #3Dprinting #startup #BigData https://t.co/hqxzKcKG8d
@Primary_Immune1 7 years ago
Science, Medicine & #Technology Converge Coolly http://goo.gl/Vka6yN #RareDisease #VR #science #innovation #SNRTG #ITRTG #BigData #tech https://t.co/xfhOfZ5j6H