@engadget.com 5 years ago
Amazon's first HIPAA-compliant Alexa skills help track your healthcare
@techcrunch.com 5 years ago
Amazon Alexa launches its first HIPAA-compliant medical skills
@andi_staub 5 years ago
#Privacy in the age of medical #bigdata #Health #Insurtech #fintech #AI #MachineLearning #HIPAA @TunstallAsc @TheRudinGroup @jblefevre60 @SpirosMargaris @psb_dc @SabineVdL @AntonioSelas @pierrepinna @HaroldSinnott @leimer @mvollmer1 @ahier via @nature https://go.nature.com/2VNBCUp https://t.co/iEkgI9zGwC
@engadget.com 6 years ago
Amazon reportedly wants Alexa to be your new in-home physician
@GoKareo 8 years ago
Precision #medicine and #health privacy are leading to a converged path around #bigdata in #healthcare #HIPAA http://kareo.ly/1UiyBWD