@Krypto_knight66 1 year ago
How can blockchain improve electronic health record systems? #blockchaintechnology #blockchain #blockchainnews #healthcareIT #CyberSecurity #LillianFinance #LillianTribe #healthcare #BigData #lillianbayfoundation #medicalblockchain https://dhge.org/about-us/blog/blockchain-in-healthcare
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
Could Russian #Hackers cripple US #healthcare systems? https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-03-russian-hackers-cripple-health.html #cybersecurity #TechForGood #MWC22 #javascript #NLP #DataScience #Flutter #serverless #sensors #100DaysOfCode #python #Wearable #womenintech #publichealth #AI #femtech #tech #medicine #digitalhealth
@InternetReed 6 years ago
"Medical devices and #EHR systems are notoriously vulnerable to remote compromise"-James Scott, Senior Fellow, ICIT, CCIOS and CSWS #Healthcare #mHealth #digitalhealth #HITsm #Hit #BigData #ehealth #cybersecurity #medicaldevice #Security https://t.co/Ad5iu8BQpJ
@Cloud_and_iot_ 6 years ago
"Medical devices and EHR systems are notoriously vulnerable to remote compromise" - James Scott @ArtOfTheHak , Senior Fellow, @ICITorg #Healthcare #mHealth #digitalhealth #HITsm #Hit #BigData #ehealth #cybersecurity #medicaldevice #Security https://t.co/lEvTKLrynC