@Paul_Sonnier 1 year ago
New research in npj Digital Medicine: Perspectives on validation of clinical predictive algorithms #digitalhealth #algorithms #aiinhealthcare #machinelearning #ai https://www.nature.com/articles/s41746-023-00832-9
@DSMeu 6 years ago
#Supercomputers make healthcare more accurate & faster: they reduce the time to develop new drugs or analyse #bigdata to better predict diseases. Here's what medicine of the future will look like http://bit.ly/2kJDVXQ #HPC #digitalhealth #ahacop18 https://t.co/luiWkunQyC
@DSMeu 6 years ago
#Supercomputers in medicine: they reduce the necessary time to develop new drugs, improve disease prediction based on #bigdata analysis or make diagnosis more accurate. Welcome to Hospital 2.0 http://bit.ly/2kJDVXQ #HPC #digitalhealth #HealthTech https://t.co/INnzYDE5MB