@scanta_io 3 years ago
As the number of various #IoT devices monitoring a patient’s medical data increases, the number of entry points for hackers also increases. Retweet If you agree! #Scanta #CyberSecurity #cybercrime #DataBreach #CyberAttack #100DaysOfCode #hacking #healthcare #medicine #BigData
@Primary_Immune 5 years ago
Some are calling it a "cure," ALL agree it's a HUGE scientific and medical breakthrough... ...headline takes on this week's Ebola news: https://www.theverge.com/2019/8/15/20806246/ebola-cure-outbreak-drug-development-congo-clinical-trial #MedEd #OpenScience #SciComm #technology #PublicHealth #immunology #RareDisease #snRTG #BigData #IoT https://t.co/GSOfZdAMBQ
@hmkyale 6 years ago
Advice from superstar #AI pioneer @AndrewYNg advice to medical students: don’t go into radiology. If you're planning for 5 year career then maybe OK, but not for longer. [implication AI for pattern recognition will replace MDs - I agree] https://rockhealth.com/podcast-uncovering-the-real-value-of-ai-in-healthcare/?utm_source=Rock+Weekly&utm_campaign=0edaed08c1-Rock_Weekly_11-28&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_e44ef774d4-0edaed08c1-90874309&mc_cid=0edaed08c1&mc_eid=536307308b #bigdata @thehowie https://t.co/ZRQ1H7b7ci