@icymi_r 2 years ago
✍️🩺 Medical R: Building a Data Package. For building a package that is largely about making datasets readily available in R. Peter Higgins @ibddoctor https://higgi13425.github.io/medical_r/posts/2020-10-18-building-a-data-package/ #rstats #datascience
@spcanelon 3 years ago
Here are some excellent #Rstats books written by @thomaselove for a two-part course on #DataScience for Biological, Medical and Health Research Part 1: https://thomaselove.github.io/431-notes/ Part 2: https://thomaselove.github.io/432-notes/ Tips for building Table 1: https://thomaselove.github.io/432-notes/building-table-1.html H/T: @MaryRBoland