@frlazzeri 3 years ago
So proud of my @azureadvocates Academic team and, in particular, of brilliant @ixek for having supported this project in collaboration with @MSFTResearch: "Democratizing medical imaging AI" https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/blog/project-innereye-open-source-deep-learning-toolkit-democratizing-medical-imaging-ai/ #AI #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #Research #Medical #InnerEye
@ipfconline1 4 years ago
Explainable #AI for Science and Medicine [Video w/ Scott Lundberg] Understanding why a #machinelearning model makes a certain prediction is crucial https://buff.ly/2Lyufyc @MSFTResearch #AI #DeepLearning #AIEthics #HealthTech Cc @AkwyZ @AlaricAloor @Info_Data_Mgmt @AghiathChbib https://t.co/B30kH7SlYK
@ipfconline1 4 years ago
Explainable #AI for Science and Medicine [Video with Scott Lundberg] Understanding why a #machinelearning model makes a certain prediction is crucial https://buff.ly/2Lyufyc v/ @MSFTResearch #AI #DeepLearning #AIEthics #HealthTech Cc @DeepLearn007 @MiaD @SpirosMargaris @psb_dc