@medical_xpress 2 years ago
New #machinelearning tool can discover immune receptors that react to many different antigens @NatMachIntell https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-01-machine-tool-immune-receptors-react.html
@ipfconline1 3 years ago
New #AI tool is a potential timesaver for #COVID19 researchers https://buff.ly/2YRJYwL @NorthwesternU via @medical_xpress #HealthTech #MachineLearning Cc @TamaraMcCleary @helene_wpli @jblefevre60 @HaroldSinnott @DeepLearn007 @ahier https://t.co/vYetLkCUyZ
@medical_xpress 3 years ago
Open-source #machinelearning tool connects #drug targets with adverse reactions @harvardmed @TheLancet https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-06-open-source-machine-tool-drug-adverse.html
@SpirosMargaris 4 years ago
AI tool speeds up search for #COVID19 #treatments and #vaccines https://buff.ly/3c7hJj4 #fintech #insurtech #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #BigData #healthcare @medical_xpress @NorthwesternU https://t.co/jESA8awh4O