@Radiology_AI 12 months ago
Interested in medical imaging and #MachineLearning? Trainees can apply to join our Trainee Editorial Board https://www.rsna.org/education/trainee-resources/trainee-editorial-boards @judywawira @merelhuisman @KMagudia #journalism #AI #ML https://t.co/9iIzFqAOrf
@Radiology_AI 1 year ago
Interested in medical imaging and #MachineLearning? Trainees can apply to join our Trainee Editorial Board https://www.rsna.org/education/trainee-resources/trainee-editorial-boards @judywawira @merelhuisman @KMagudia #HITrad #radiology #journalism https://t.co/VOOqQEwIYK
@Radiology_AI 2 years ago
Interested in medical imaging and #MachineLearning? Trainees can apply to join our Trainee Editorial Board https://pubs.rsna.org/page/ai/blog/2022/04/ryai_editorsblog0404 @cekahn @judywawira #HITrad #AI #ML https://t.co/u2k19tMSWD