@EdwardTufte 1 year ago
A+ Imaginative cutting edge visualizations=content driven by real scientists (particle physics, astronomy, medical live data, acoustics, biophysics). And by Pixar, Rox Chast, xkcd. In video, note good layout, multiplicity, quantification #MachineLearning #dataviz #Datascience https://twitter.com/frankwilczek/status/1530027630031945749
@EdwardTufte 2 years ago
Any independent research reviews of #MachineLearning and #AI that is favorable to AI tools in the medical world? #Statistics #prediction https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/07/30/1030329/machine-learning-ai-failed-covid-hospital-diagnosis-pandemic/
@EdwardTufte 8 years ago
"We've spent billions to fix our medical records, they're still an Epic mess. Here's why." http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/10/epic-systems-judith-faulkner-hitech-ehr-interoperability #EHR #EMR #bigdata