@MedicaInSpe 2 years ago
Got not one but two seeding grants from @DataScienceUU to further dig into difficult to treat rheumatoid arthritis and text mining of Dutch clinical texts 🥳 with @bramiozo @JTekstra and others of @UtrechtUni and @UMCUtrecht. Great collaborations! #digitalhealth #bigdata
@moorejh 3 years ago
Federated learning in medicine: facilitating multi-institutional collaborations without sharing patient data https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-69250-1 #informatics #machinelearning #privacy #security
@BioDecoded 4 years ago
Validity of machine learning in biology and medicine increased through collaborations across fields of expertise | Nature Machine Intelligence https://www.nature.com/articles/s42256-019-0139-8 #MachineLearning #biomedicine https://t.co/1pqkpmIvMy
@PfeiferLab 4 years ago
Happy Holidays, Tweeps! Time to slow down and recharge for more brilliant #MedicalInformatics projects and collaborations in 2020! #Bioinformatics #MachineLearning #MedicalIT #MedicalDataScience via @pedromics https://t.co/AMWTT0pX7F