@ShreyasSF 1 year ago
🧠Coming #Monday @dipymri Workshop begins!! Make sure to register here: https://dipy.org/workshops/dipy-workshop-2023 - Note that we have now moved to a live + online version so that more people can learn and pick up #MedicalImaging , #DiffusionMRI and #MachineLearning all in #Python https://t.co/zzv5LvDtm1
@kmborgwardt 4 years ago
I am listening to the audiobook version of @EricTopol's #DeepMedicine on the way to work these days. It's a very inspiring book for anyone working in the field, outlining a clear vision for the use of #MachineLearning in #Medicine. #DeepLearning #PersonalizedMedicine
@SwearyStats 4 years ago
Good news everyone! I've just built the @NHSNSS's (with @DataLabScotland ) Synthetic Medical Data System, alpha version. I'm looking for people to check the code and play around with it/feed back :D #Community 1/2 #Data #Innovation #DataScience #Medical #MachineLearning #AI https://t.co/UA6IL0QGI1