@cybersecboardrm 3 years ago
Accelerating Deep Learning Research in Medical Imaging Using MONAI #MachineLearning #learning https://medium.com/pytorch/accelerating-deep-learning-research-in-medical-imaging-using-monai-f155b182de17
@TheAIML 4 years ago
Dr @Gabriel_Maicas' groundbreaking research into using #AI to beat cancer is featured in @TheLeadSA. #MedicalMachineLearning #MachineLearning @UniofAdelaide http://theleadsouthaustralia.com.au/industries/health-and-medical/using-artificial-intelligence-to-beat-cancer/
@KirkDBorne 4 years ago
Nearly 18,000 competitors competed in @BoozAllen’s 4th #DataScienceBowl @kaggle competition, using #AI to accelerate medical research. What will the next competition bring?🤔 https://dy.si/ub5L4 ——— #BigData #MachineLearning #DataScientists #DataScience #ComputerVision https://t.co/gDTEmOjGuM
@raamana_ 5 years ago
Random tip: if a PI publishes over 25 papers/year (more than 2 papers/month), in a heavily data- and optimization-driven research e.g. #MachineLearning in medicine, without releasing their codebase or using public libraries, be HIGHLY skeptical about their results. #phdchat
@JanaKemnitz 6 years ago
Today is the #InternationalDayofWomenandGirlsinScience! #WomenInScience: TWEET ABOUT YOUR RESEARCH TO INSPIRE! I am working on #MedicalImaging #Muscles #KneeOA using #AI & #MachineLearning! @WomenSciAUST @ETH_en #WomenScienceDay #WomenInSTEM #SciComm #phdlife #OpendScience https://t.co/kA42Wjwmuk
@MIT_CSAIL 6 years ago
New research predicts health outcomes in ICUs using machine learning & diverse medical data: http://bit.ly/2wqaAsI #ml #machinelearning https://t.co/gO4E3i6ORu